291. Who is known to be the first recorded poet of the Punjabi language ?
Sheikh Farid, the Sufi mystic and teacher.
292. What does the word 'Farid' mean ?
Farid is an Arabic word meaning 'Unique'.
293. How many compositions of Sheikh Farid are incorporated in the Guru Granth
Saheb ?
4 (Four) Shabads (Hymns) and 112 Salokas (couplets). Guru Nanak, Guru
Amardas, and Guru Arjan have continued the theme of some of Farid's
294. When did Sheikh Farid pass away ?
1265 A.D.
295. How many hymns has Bhagat Beni contributed in the Guru Granth Saheb ?
3 (Three) Hymns in Sri Raag, Raag Ramkali, and Raag Prabhati.
296. How many hymns has Bhagat Bhikhan (1480 A.D.-1573 A.D.) contributed in
Guru Granth Saheb ?
2 (Two) Hymns.
297. When was Bhagat Dhanna born ?
1415 A.D.
298. How many hymns has Bhagat Dhanna contributed in the Guru Granth Saheb ?
3 (Three) Hymns.
299. How many hymns has Bhagat Jaidev contributed in the Guru Granth Saheb ?
2 (Two) Hymns in Raag Gujri and Raag Maru.
300. How many hymns has Bhagat Namdev (1270 A.D.-1350 A.D.) contributed in the
Guru Granth Saheb ?
61 (Sixty one) Hymns.
301. What was the hereditary occupation of Bhagat Namdev ?
Bhagat Namdev was a Calico-printer.
302. How many hymns has Bhagat Shri Parmanand
ji contributed in the Guru Granth Saheb
1 (One) Hymn on page 1253 of Guru Granth Saheb.
303. When was Bhagat Pipa born ?
About 1425 A.D.
304. How many hymns has Bhagat Pipa contributed in the Guru Granth Saheb ?
1 (One) Hymn.
305. How many hymns has Bhagat Ramanand (1300 A.D.-1410 A.D.) contributed in the Guru Granth Saheb ?
1 (One) Hymn on page 1195 of Guru Granth Saheb.
306. What was the hereditary occupation of Bhagat Ravidas ?
Bhagat Ravidas was a cobbler. He followed the family profession of
tanning hides and making shoes.
307. How many hymns has Bhagat Ravidas contributed in the Guru Granth Saheb ?
40 (Forty) Hymns.
308. What was the hereditary occupation of Bhagat Sadhna ?
Bhagat Sadhna was a butcher.
309. How many hymns has Bhagat Sadhna contributed in the Guru Granth Saheb ?
1 (One) Hymn in Raag Bilaval on page 858 of Guru Granth Saheb.
310. How many hymns has Bhagat Sain contributed in the Guru Granth Saheb ?
1 (One) Hymn.
311. What was the hereditary occupation of Bhagat Sain ?
Bhagat Sain was a barber.
312. When was Bhagat Surdas born ?
1529 A.D.
313. How many hymns has Bhagat Surdas contributed in the Guru Granth Saheb ?
1 (One) Hymn in Raag Saarang. In fact, it is not a complete hymn, but a
single line: "O mind, abandon the company of those who turn away from God".
(Surdas whose verse figures in the Guru Granth Saheb is to be differentiated
from the blind poet of the same name who wrote Sur Sagar).
314. When was Bhagat Trilochan born ?
1267 A.D.
315. What is the literal meaning of 'Trilochan' ?
The three-eyed, i.e. one who can see the past, present, and future all at