9. Bhai Sukha Singh & Mehtab Singh Ji
After the invasion of Nadir Shah and acting on his advice Nawab Zakaria Khan
decided to totally exterminate the Sikh community once for all. To achieve
this objective, he issued instructions to his officials and to village heads
to kill or arrest alive Sikhs, wherever and whenever found. He also
announced cash rewards of Rupees ten, fifty and eighty respectively for
informers, killers and arresters of the Sikhs. As a result of these orders of Zakaria Khan, the Governor of Lahore (now in
Pakistan) thousands of Sikhs, men, women and children were killed and
arrested without any rhyme or reason. The notorious village heads and
officials who carried out the orders of the Governor to gain his favours
were Karma of village Chheena, Rama Randhawa of village Talwandi, Sahib Rai
Sandhu of village Naushehra Dhaala, Har Bhagat Niranjania of village
Jandiala, Dharam Das Topi of Jodhnagar and village heads of villages
Naushehdra Punuan and Majitha. They sent cart loads of heads of Sikhs to
Lahore, in addition to thousands arrested and sent to Lahore for execution
in a merciless manner publicly in Lahore daily. They even killed women and
presented their heads for reward. Massa Ranghar, the village head of Mandially exceeded all limits and behaved
in a most hated, mischievous and offensive manner, hurting religious
sentiments of Sikhs, after he was handed over charge of Sri Darbar Sahib
(Golden Temple), in Amritsar. The premises was captured earlier by the
Governement forces. He used parikarma of the premises as stable for horses and main Hall of holy
Golden Temple as a Dancing Room. He would seat himself on a beautiful cot
(Palang), smoke hukka and watch prostitutes dancing in the main hall of the
most sacred place of the Sikh community. Around the building he had posted
armed guards to prevent entry of anyone and everyone without permission. Due to persecution in Punjab the Sikhs had moved to hills, Jungles, ravines
and deserts. One such group (Jatha) of Sikhs was temporarily camping near
Jaipur City in Rajasthan. Some-one communicated to them the sad news of
desecration of Harimandir Sahib at Amritsr. The heart rendering account of
misdeeds of Mass a hanghar sent shock waves through the hearts of all the
sikhs present there. One among them, Bhai Mehtab Singh immediately jumped to
his feet and volunteered himself to punish and culprit Massa Rangar
forthwith. He announced that he would serve the head of the wretched Massa
in Amritsar and bring it back in Jaipur to show the same to all Sikhs
present here. Another Sikh named Bhai Sukha Singh volunteered to accompany
Mehtab Singh, to help him accomplish the sacred task. Both were granted
permission by the Jatha chief and special prayer was held for the success of
their mission. Both Bhai Sukha Singh and Bhai Mehtab Singh immediately proceeded towards
Amritsar and arrived there in the month of August, 1740. They put on the
garbs of village chaudharies and carried with them a bag full of well ground
pieces of broken earthen wared and thus it appeared that the bag was full of
coins. They straightway headed for Harmandir Sahib. On arriving there, they told
the guards who checked their entry into the premises that they were village
heads and had come to deposit land revenue with Massa Ranghar. Thus they
managed to befool the guards and gained entry to Harimandir Sahib. They tied
their horses with a tree near the entrance of the Harimandir Sahib now
reveredly known as Lachi Ber and proceeded further. They found Massa Ranghar
sitting on his cot fully intoxicated, smoking Hukka and watching dancing
prostitutes. The scene enraged them. Bhai Sukha Singh remained near the door
of main hall while Bhai Mahtab Singh went inside. He threw the bag under
Massa’s cot and said, “ Here is land revenue.” Massa Rangar happily bent
down to pick up the bag supposed to be full of coins. Bhai Mehtab Singh drew
out his sword swiftly and with its single blow, cut off the head of Massa
Those present inside were stunned by the dudden development and ran
helter shelter. In the meantime the two brave Sikhs took away the severed
head of Massa Rangar, rode their horses and vanished from the scene before
the guards could recover and realise what had happened inside Harimandir
Sahib. They went straight to Jaipur showed Massa’s severed head to their
Jathedar and othe colleagues there by redeeming their pledge. When Zakaria Khan, the Governor of Lahore, came to know of murder of Mass
Rangar his anger knew no bounds. He immediately summoned village heads of
all villages around Amritsar and ordered them to find out and arrest the
culprits forthwith. Harbhagat Niranjania suspected it to be the handi-work
of Bhai Mehtab Singh of Minarkot village. He told Zakaria Khan about his
suspicion. Noorudin Faujdar, proceeded to Mirankot village accompanied by a
band of soldiers with orders to arrest Bhai Mehtab Singh. Bhai Mehtab Singh
was not present at his home but his infant son, Rai Singh was there. While
leaving the village, Bhai Mehtab Singh had left his son in the safe custody
of a noble person and his friend Natha Khaira. When Natha Khaira came to
know of arrival of Govt. soldiers for arresting Bhai Mehtab Singh, he
escaped from the village accompanied by Mehtab Singh’s son Rai Singh with
the help of his friends. Nooruddin Faujdar come to know of the escape of the
child Rai Singh and hotly pursued Natha’s party and caught up with the
escapes. Natha and his trusted friends put up a brave fight and died
fighting. The child Rai Singh was also gravely injured. Taking the child as
dead, the Govt. soldiers went away. A kind woman passing that way happened
to notice the child who was still alive. She took the child home and with
her care and proper treatment the child recovered from the injuries fully. Five years later, in 1745 A.D., Bhai Mehtab Singh visited his village home
to see his son. He was arrested with the help of some informer. He was
brought to Lahore. Zakaria Khan ordered his execution through a most
dreadful method. Bhai Mehtab Singh was put on the Charkhari (Consisting of two wheels fitted
with sharp nails). The Charkhari (the two wheels) was rotated and the body
of Bhai Mehtab Singh was cut by the iron nails fitted on the wheels, bit by
bit. Thus Bhai Mehtab Singh was put to death in a brutal manner, but he was
happy to lay down his life with the satisfaction that the desecration of the
Sacred Harimandir Sahib had been avenged by him by the killing of Massa
Ranghar. By his action, he proved that Sikhs do not tolerate desecration of
their holy places and hold sancity of their holy places more dear than their