City of Goindwal
day a man, Gobind, came to the Guru and
said that if he became victorious in a lawsuit against his relations, he
would found a city in honor of the Guru. Fortune favored him and he started
to found the city on the bank of the river Beas. He began the work but what
was done during the day, was in some mysterious manner undone at night.
Gobind came to the Guru and prayed to him to grant him his desire to build
the city.
Upon this the Guru sent Baba Amar Das to help him. Babaji prayed to God for
His ssistance. The city's work proceeded without any further delay and Baba
Amar Das named it Gobindwal and later on it was called Goindwal. Gobind did
not forget to build a palace in it for his benefactor Amar Das.
the work was successfully completed, Gobind went to the Guru to offer his thanks and to beg him to come and live
in the newly founded city. The Guru did not wish to leave his town, so he
ordered Baba Amar as to go and live in Goindwal by night and come to him by
day. Babaji obeyed the Guru and settled in Goindwal. In the process of time
he took with him all his relations from Basarka and helped them in settling
there. Baba Amar Das was now living in Goindwal and
his daily routine was- to rise very early in the morning, take a pitcher of
water from the river Beas and proceed to Khadur which was about three miles
away. The pitcher of water was for Guru Angad to bathe with. On the way he
would recite Japji. There was a mid-way spot which was called Damdama or
breathing place where he could rest for a while.
temple was erected on this spot later on. After attending the morning
service, Asa di Var, he would fetch water for
the Guru's kitchen, clean dishes and bring firewood from the forest. During
the day he would learn Gurbani (Word) from the Guru. In the evening he would
attend Sodar and evening Kirtan. After putting the Guru to rest, he would
return walking to Goindwal backwards in supreme reverence for his Master.