Baba Amar Das comes to Guru Angad
Baba Amar Das was living in a village called
Basarka near Amritsar. He was a firm eliever of Vaishnav faith and used to
fast regularly. Every year he went to Hardwar for pilgrimage, bathed in the
river Ganges and would give alms to the poor. It was the twenty—first year
of his pilgrimage and he was sixty—two years old.
was coming back from Haridwar when he
decided to lay down to sleep outside the village of Mihra. Here he met a
Vaishnav Sadhu (a monk) with whom he became so intimate that they cooked for
each other. As they continued their journey and as the monk found Baba Amar
Das zealously discharging all the duties of a pious Hindu, he asked him
(Baba) who his guru was who taught him such piety and wisdom. Baba Amar Das
replied that he had no guru.
hearing this the monk said,"I have
committed a sin by eating from the hands of a man who has no guru. My
ablutions bathing in the Ganges are of no avail now. I an only be purified
if I return to bathe in the Ganges again." After lamenting like this, the
Sadhu departed. This
was a great shock to Baba Amar Das and he was jolted in his heart
thinking he was man of no guru (Nigura):
"Satgur bajho gur
nahi koee, nigurei ka hai nau bura." 'Satgur is the competent guru and without that no other guru is worthy of cceptance but if a person has no guru at all, that person's name is sinful." (Rag Aasa Mohalla 3, page— 435)
started thinking seriously how he could find a guru and he prayed for that.
One day early in the morning he heard a divine melody which thrilled his
heart and he stood spell-bound listening to the hymn. This was voice of Bibi Amro, Guru Angad's daughter, who was recently married to his ne phew.
It was Bibi Amro's routine to rise early, bathe and recite Japji and other
hymns of Guru Nanak. Bibi Amro had recited the following Sabad which was
heard by Baba Amar Das:
"Neither sisters, sisters-in-law, nor
mothers-in-law remain with one; But the true relationship with the Beloved, when found through the Guru, shall never be sundered. I am a sacrifice to my
Guru, I am ever a sacrifice unto him. I have grown weary of wandering so far
without a Guru; Now
the Guru hath united me with my Beloved.
(Maru Mohalla 1, Page— 1015)
Baba Amar Das asked Bibi Amro whose composition it was. She replied that it
was Guru nanak's hymn and she had learnt it from her father who was the
successor to Guru Nanak. Baba Amar Das then requested her to take him to the
Guru. After some days he accompanied Bibi Amro to visit the Guru in Khadur.
Baba Amar Das arrived, the Guru on
account of his relationship, wanted to embrace Babaji and receive him
respectfully, but Babaji fell on the feet of the Guru and said,"Thou art as
God and I am only a worm." Baba Amar Das was so much overwhelmed by Guru's
darshan (holy sight) that it was unbearable for him to leave his presence.
The love for the Master sprang so deep and intense in his heart that he
wanted to serve him in every possible way.
day meat was prepared for dinner and Baba Amar Das commented,"If the
Guru is the knower of hearts, he should know that I am a strict Vaishnav and
do not touch meat." Realizing this the Guru ordered the Sikh who was serving
the dinner (langar) that only dal (bean-curry) not meat should be served to
him (Baba Amar Das). Soon after that, Baba Amar Das realized that a
disciple, whose practice differed from that of his Guru, must inevitably
fail. He
told the cook that if the Guru were kind enough to give him his meat
leaving, he would partake of it.In order to further remove his
prejudices, the Guru instructed him,"These are the meats to abstain from-
others' wealth, others' wives, slander, envy, covetousness and pride." The
Guru then recited the
Slok Mohalla 1 of page 1289
on the subject.