Family of Guru Angad dev Ji (Part- 4)
Bibi Amro
Amro, daughter of Guru Angad Dev, the
second Master and Mata Khivi, was the noble woman who deserves the credit of
attracting Amar Das, an idol worshiper, to Sikhism and showing him the way
to become Guru Amar Das, the 3rd Master. Thus she was and indirect
instrument in the development of Sikhism.
She was born in 1532 at village Khadur near Amritsar. She had two brothers,
Dassu and Datu, and one younger sister named Anokhi. She received her early
education directly from her parents. Guru Angad Dev taught her, along with
the other children, to read and write in Gurmukhi script, which he had
revised and simplified. She also learnt many sacred hymns from her father.
Writer of the Bansawali Namma writes that she had learnt by heart sacred
hymns like ‘Sidh Goshat’. She had been gifted by nature with a sweet voice.
In short, she was a talented girl.
When she came of age, she was married to Bhai Jasoo son of Bhai Manak Chand,
a well-known religious minded person of village Basarke, about eight miles
from Amritsar. Bhai Gurdas also belonged to this family. Bibi Amoro’s
parents encouraged her to continue singing sacred hymns and to preach
Sikhism. As was the custom of the day she was sent to live with her
husband's family.
father encouraged her to continue doing kirtan and to preach Sikhism to all that she came in contact with. Amar Das
who was her husband's uncle was quite taken by her sweet melodious voice
when he heard her singing Shabads (holy hymns). It was she who first
introduced him to the teachings of Sikhism. As his interest grew it was she
who sent him to her father to learn more about these teachings. Amar Das was
so deeply influenced by Guru Angad Dev ji that he became a devout Sikh, so
much that Guru Angad Dev ji announced him as his Successor. Thus Guru Amar
Das ji, the third Guru got to his destiny of becoming a Guru through Bibi
Amro ji.
Years laters when Guru Amar Das ji gave structure to the Sikh Nation and
organised his preachers into 22 teaching districts he put Bibi Amro ji
in-charge of one of these districts that he called Manji. What Manji meant
was that a person who was leading a Kirtan to be sit on the Manji while
whole sangat in front of him.
The person occupying Manji was the Sikh preacher appointed by Guru Amar Das.
This appointmcet can best be compared to the position of Bishop in thc
Christian Church today. It was an administrative position, with full
responsibility for the Equality and content of the preaching. She also would
have the responsibility of collecting revenues and making decisions for the
welfare of her diocese.
Her manji or diocese included Basarke, her
husband's village, where they made their home. It is the direct result of
the efforts of Bibi Amro and other Sikh preaches that Amritsar today is
synonomous with Sikhism. Today, close to the village of Basarke, there is a
tank (man made pond) bearing the name Bibi Amro da Talab (Tank of Bibi Amro)
in her memory.
Also certifies the fact that devotion had manifested itself in the body of Bibi Amro. She was an ideal daughter in law who spent her time in
meditation, household affairs and service of her in laws. Amar Das, real
brother of Bhai Manak Chand and her husband’s real uncle, lived in the house
next to her. He was attracted to the sacred hymn (Shabad) of Guru Nanak sung
by her in her sweet melodious voice early in the morning when she was
churning curd. He was in a receptive mood and in search of a Guru. The
sacred hymn touched his heart. Two last lines from this hymn written on
page 990 of Sri Guru Granth Sahib along
with their meaning are given below—
"The mind turned into rusted iron is again
transformed into gold if it meets with the ( philosopher’s stone of ) the
Guru. He blesses the mortal with the Ambrosial Name of the One Lord, and
then, O Nanak, cease therewith".
wanderings of)the mind He approached Bibi
Amro through her mother in law, Bibi Bhago, and wanted her to repeat that
hymn once more. She hesitated, but being encouraged by her mother, she sang
it once again. Ram Das asked her who composed it and where he lived. She
said, “It was composed by Guru Nanak Dev, the first Sikh Guru, the
predecessor of my father. I have learnt it from my father, Guru Angad Dev,
the second Guru who lives at Khadur”.
also explained to him the meaning of the whole hymn. His interest grew so
much that he wanted to learn more about Sikhism. He asked her to take him to
her father. She did not want to go uninvited and more over she had been
there only a few days ago. On being asked by her mother in law, she
accompanied Amar Das to Khadur the next day.
Amar Das was 62 and Guru Angad Dev was only 37 at that time. In spite of
that Guru Angad Dev stood up out of respect to embrace Amar Das as he was
the uncle of his daughter’s husband.
Amar Das fell at the feet of Guru Angad Dev
and said, “ I have come not as a relative, but as your disciple and
follower”. Amar Das become a devoted Sikh and Guru Angad Dev made him his
successor, ignoring his own sons. Thus through Bibi Amro, Guru Amar Das got
the chance of becoming the Guru and leading the Sikhs . This also raised the
prestige of Bibi Amro in her family.
Some writers have written that Guru Amar Das had made Bib Amro in-charge of
one of his 22 teaching districts called Manjis (cots). It means that such a
person would sit on Manji while the other Sikhs sat on the ground and
listened to his/her preachings. He/she guided the Sikhs of his/her area in
religious matters and accepted their offerings for the Guru. This
appointment can be compared to the position of Bishop in the Christians
Church. Bibi Amro’s district included Basarke, her husband’s village, and
surrounding few villages. It is due to the efforts of Sikh preachers like
Bibi Amro that Sikhism spread so rapidly in that area.
There is a tank (man made pond) near the village Basarke and it is called
Bibi Amro Da Talab (Tank of Bibi Amro). It reminds everybody that a noble
soul, Bibi Amro who occupies a special place in the Sikh History once lived
Bibi Anokhi
daughter of Guru Angad Dev, the second Master and Mata Khivi born in
1535(Bikrami Year 1592 A.D).
Karan Devi
She the mother of Mata Khivi
and mother in law of Guru Angad Dev.
Bhai Devi Chand
He was Father in law of Guru Angad Dev and
father of Mata Khivi.
Bhai Gchnu Mall
was the Grand Father of Guru Angad Dev ji. Bhai Gchnu Mall, a Trchan Khairi
of Marigoval village in the present Gujrat district of Pakistan. Bhai Pheru
Mall(father of Guru Angad Dev) was the third son of his all siblings.