5. Dead son became
In his childhood when Guru Ravidass Ji was studying in the
Pathshala of Pt. Sharda Nand, he developed friendship with his son. They
used to play together. One day in game of hide and seek, Guru Ravidass Ji won and his friend
lost the game. As a result, his friend was to seek hidden Ravidass Ji in
his next turn. By this time night had fallen. It was munually agreed
that the friend (son of Pt. Sharda Nand) would play his turn of seeking
Guru Ravidass Ji tomorrow in the morning. In the next morning, Guru Ravidass Ji, along with other play-mates
waited for his friend for a long time but he did not turn up. At last
Guru Ravidass Ji himself went to his residence with other play-mates. The parents and other members of family of friend of Guru Ravidass Ji
were weeping. The neighbours and others were also sitting in remorse.
Guru Ravidass Ji enquired as to what had happened. He was apprised that
his friend (son of Pt. Sharda Nand) had died during night. Guru Ji
wondered as to why he had died without playing his turn of seeking Guru
Ji in the game of hide and seek. He wanted to see his friend. Pt. Sharda
Nand took Guru Ravidass Ji along to the place where dead body of his son
was lying. In a friendly tone, Guru Ravidass Ji, asked his friend that
it was not the time to sleep and he should get up and play his turn of
seeking him in the game of hide and seek. By virtue of spiritual powers
of Guru Ravidass Ji, His friend became alive. He got up and was willing
to play. His parents and others were astonished. They were happy again.
The parents and relatives of the friend of Guru Ji and others bowed at
sacred feet of Guru Ji and thanked him.