29. Teachings of Ravidass Ji
on Babur
As a result of his victory in Battle of Panipat in 1526 Babur
was the first Mughal King who occupied throne in Delhi. He had brutally
massacred lakhs of innocent bodies. However, whatever he did, he did in
the name of God. During the course of advance in Indian Territory he
came across pirs, saints, rishis also. He also heard of spiritual powers
of Guru Ravidass Ji. Once he took his son Humayun along and went to see
Guru Ravidass Ji. At that time Guru Ji was sitting at his place. Babur
bowed at the feet of Guru Ji in reverence. Guru Ji scolded Babur for
murdering innocent bodies. He asked him to shun pride. Kyon Babur hua
babra, man mein adhik ghumaan Kroron prani maar kar, tu ne kiya paap
mahaan. Therefore, Babur developed regard for Guru Ji. His teachings
stunned Babur. In remorse he distributed money of his treasures at Delhi
and Agra to the poor and destitute. Now the subjects developed respect
for Babur and called him QALANDAR or FAQIR.