20. A Sheikh begged for mercy
Shri Guru Ravidass Ji held religion discourses everyday. He
inspired the audience to
shun discrimination on any ground. Equality and fraternity, worship of
the Almighty with devotion and detachment from material belongings were
the essence of his discourses. He cherished universal well-being. It was
appealing to all the Hindus and Muslims alike. His fame spread all
around. One Sheikh of Varanasi also heard the fame of Guru Ji. He came
to the place of Guru Ravidass Ji and heard his satsang. He observed that
many kings, queens and others prominent figures were also there raptly
listening the satsang. He was very much impressed with Guru Ji truthful
sermons having universal appeal. His many misconceptions were clarified
and removed. At the end of satsang, Guru Ji distributed nectar (amrit)
from his dauri (shallow earthan pot which he used for soaking leather). Its colour was brown. It was served to all those present including
Sheikh. Thinking it as polluted water, he hated and threw it aside. In
this process, some drops of the nectar fell on his clothes. After
reaching home he took off the clothes and handed over to the maid
servant for washing. The maid servant tried to wash off the blots on the
clothes but these could not be removed. She put the clothes bearing
blots in
mouth and sucked so that the blot was removed. When she sucked the
blots, she was divinely enlightened. She started talking God and
heavenly bodies. Sheikh also came to know the spiritual powers of the
maid servant. He enquired from her as to how she has attained all these
powers. She told him that when she sucked the blots on the clothes, she
became spiritually emancipated. The Sheikh repented that he had wasted
and disregarded the nectar offered to him by Guru Ravidass Ji. He felt
himself sinful and disgraced. He came to Guru a few days later and
begged apology for throwing nectar thinking it polluted water. All the
truthful saints are kind hearted. Guru Ji forgave and told him that you
have missed the opportunity. However, he was initiated and asked to
chant God’s Name
Har(i) Har(i) Har(i). Even now those who want to be
spiritually elevated should chant God’s Name
Har(i) Har(i) Har(i).