15. Freeing a
She-deer from a Hunter
Long ago the area of present LEHARTARA in Benaras was a jungle.
Deers and other species of animals inhabited it. Guru Ravidass Ji also
used to visit this forest and mediate there in lonely place. Once a
hunter laid net to catch a deer. A she-deer was entrapped; it was caught
by the hunter and was to kill it. The she-deer implored the hunter that
its small children are hungry and are waiting for her for feed. It will
come back after feeding them. The hunter would not let it go. However,
he agreed to free it against a surety. Guru Ravidass Ji incidentally
listened all this. He offered to stand surely for the she-deer. In case
it did not come back Guru Ji was willing to pay the price. The she-deer was allowed to go to see its children. It fed its children
and told them the tale of having been caught by the hunter and freed for
a short-while on the surety of Guru Ravidass Ji. The children said, “We
do not want to survive without you. We also accompany you to be killed
with you.” Within the agreed time the she-deer and its children came
back to Guru Ji where the hunter was also waiting.The hunter was astonished to see the truthfulness of she-deer and
thought that Guru Ji knew all the episode before hand. The hunter repented for past killings and took a vow not to kill animals
in future. The she-deer and its children were freed. The hunter fell on
the feet of Guru Ji and became his follower. The she-deer and its
children bowed at the sacred feet of Guru Ji and expressed their
gracefulness. Thereafter, the she-deer and its children would bow to
Guru Ji whenever he visited the forest.