11. Display of Janjus
of 4 Ages
The Hindu religious books have put a bar on the so-called
Shudras from worshipping God. The Shudras were not allowed to wear the
Janju (Sacred thick thread), put mark (Tilak) on forehead and observe
other religious practices. Guru Ravidass was born to face the brunt. He
started wearing Janju, put Tilak (religious mark) on forehead and
wearing Dhoti like that of Pandits. He also observed other practices
which were peculiar to the Brahmans only. All this was taken very ill by
the Pandits. In the beginning they tried to impress upon Guru Ravidass
Ji not to resort to the practices followed by them. But Guru Ji would
not agree. He told them that they were wearing false Janju.Aggrieved by the intransigent attitude of Guru Ravidass Ji, the Brahmans
brought to the notice of the king, the religious practices followed by
Ravidass Ji which are peculiar to the Brahmans only. The King was
furious on this issue. He sent for Guru Ravidass Ji appeared in the
court of the king. The Brahmans too had come in large numbers. The issue
of wearing Janju (sacred thick thread) was discussed. Brahmans said that as per Hindu scriptures, Janju is to be worn by the
Brahmans only. Ravidass being untouchable should stop wearing it. Guru
Ravidass Ji told the king that it has falsely been written in the
scriptures that non-brahmans will not wear Janju. It is injustice with
others. However, he will stop wearing Janju on one condition. The
Pandits would show him what he was just going to show to the king. Guru
Ji took out a Rambi (knife) and pushed it into his chest making
four-inch long cut. Blood blew profusely. There was a pool of blood on
the floor. He pulled out four Janjus from his chest-one of gold, second
of silver, third of copper and fourth of thread- signifying his wearing
these Janjus in Satyuga, Treta, Duapper and Kalyuga. This also
demonstrated that the untouchables are pure, truthful and innocent. The
Brahmans cut a sorry figure. Their faces turned pale. Understanding the
reality, the king fell on the feet of Guru Ji and begged apology for the
harassment caused to him. A broad-minded Guru Ji forgave him. At the end of the event, Guru Ji told the king and the gathering that in
fact Janju has no significance in attainment of God. He wore it only to
demonstrate its futility and to show the right path to the Brahmans.
Guru Ji took off his Janju and gave it to the king. Thereafter, he never
wore any Janju as such. The pains taken by Guru Ravidass Ji to wrest human rights should not be
allowed to go unfelt and unsung. It should further kindle the spirit to
continue the pace. Blood flowed from his chest may energise blood of the
generations to tread his foot-prints and thrill the era.