Present, Living, Satguru, Shri Guru Granth Sahib ji (Part-3)
on February 23, many Sikhs chiefs gathered under the leadership of Jathedar
Kartar Singh Jhabbar and started for Nankana Sahib. The different pieces of
bodies of the Sikhs were collected and put into funeral pyres in masses. A
prayer was performed in the holy feet of the guru for the departed souls.
After the Ardas(prayer) Bhai Hira Singh ji took the Hukamnama which is
stated on page 578 as :
who long for the Lord, are said to be His servants. Nanak
knows this Truth, that the Lord is not different from His Saint. As
water mixes and blends with water,so does one's light mix and blend with the
Lord's Light. Merging with the perfect, all-powerful Creator, one comes to
know his own self. Then,
he enters the celestial state of absolute Samaadhi, and speaks of the One
and Only Lord. He
Himself is unmanifest, and He Himself is liberated; He Himself speaks of
Himself. O
Nanak, doubt, fear and the limitations of the three qualities are dispelled,
as one
merges into the Lord, like water blending with water.
the Hukamnama, the congregation felt that the martyrdom of the Sikhs in the
previous day was as water mingles with water and takes its form. Similarly,
the Gursikhs who sacrifice their lives for the guru merge their souls with
the Almighty and become One with him. There remains no difference between
God and them and they attain the stage of harmony with God.
came the dreadful time of June 1984. The tanks and canons of Indian army
destroyed Sri Akaal Takhat into ruins. Bullets were fired on Sri Harmandar
Sahib. All of Punjab began to creep under the shadow of death and even the
daily schedule of Harmandar Sahib was disrupted.
was several days before the Maryada(Traditional routine of Sikhism) of Sri
Harmandar Sahib was restored. So hukamnama from Guru Granth Sahib ji was
taken and it is stated on page 608 as :
should I ask ? Who should I worship ? All were created by Him.
Whoever appears to be the greatest of the great, shall ultimately be mixed with
the dust. The
Fearless, Formless Lord, the Destroyer of Fear bestows all comforts, and the
nine treasures. O
Dear Lord, Your gifts alone satisfy me. Why
should I praise the poor helpless man? Why should I feel subservient to him ?
was felt after listening to the hukamnama that Shabad Guru was consoling the
Sikhs, giving hints about the future and directing them to take the shelter
of the great Guru. They were to believe in One Almighty God who has created
this world. Those people who have forgotten the existence of God under the
influence of maya(wealth) would become part dust one day.
time passed by. Indira Gandhi, Prime minister of India who had ordered the
army to destroy Akaal Takhat was assassinated. On that day the Hukamnama
from Sri Guru Granth Sahib at Harmandar Sahib is stated on page 627 :
always preserve the honor of Your devotees, O Dear Lord; You have
protected them from the very beginning of time. You
protected Your servant Prahlaad, O Dear Lord, and annihilated
Harnaakhash. The
Gurmukhs place their faith in the Dear Lord, but the self-willed manmukhs are
deluded by doubt. O
Dear Lord, this is Your Glory. You
preserve the honor of Your devotees, O Lord Master; Your devotees seek
Your Sanctuary. ||Pause||
words of shabad Guru proved to be true within six months. After the murder
of Indira Gandhi, so many innocent Sikhs who were traveling, sitting in the
houses, walking on side walks or simply doing there house jobs were badly
beaten, tortured, fired at, buried alive and killed. Their
stores and businesses were robbed. Their women were raped and assaulted. No
body gave them shelter and stood by them. One’s own country seemed to be a
foreign aggressor. It was a very critical time. Even at that time, the voice
of Shabad guru(Hukamnaama from Harmandar sahib) was as stated on page 793 :
day which comes, that day shall go. You
must march on; nothing remains stable. Our
companions are leaving, and we must leave as well. We
must go far away. Death is hovering over our head Why
are you asleep? Wake up, you ignorant fool! You
believe that your life in the world is true. The
One who gave you life shall also provide you with nourishment. In
each and every heart, He runs His shop.
Meditate on the Lord, and renounce your egotism and self-conceit.
Within your heart, contemplate the Naam, the Name of the Lord, sometime. Your
life has passed away, but you have not arranged your path.
Evening has set in, and soon there will be darkness on all sides. Says
Ravidaas, O ignorant mad-man, don't
you realize, that this world is the house of death ?
guru was narrating the truth and giving comfort too; as every body who came
to this world must die one day. So many have died and one day we will die
too when our turn comes. Some people are caught in worldly pleasures to such
an extent that they have forgotten about their death. They do not clear the
path of life through which they have to pass through. This would not happen
if they kept the words of Guru Nanak Dev ji in their mind. As stated on page
1264 as :
Divine True Guru is the Embodiment, the Image of the Lord; He
utters the Ambrosial Word.
to the principles of Guru ji, “A body (physical form ) can never be a guru.
It is only a method or a path. A path or a method never remains eternal in
life but Guru is eternal. As stated on page 759 :
True Guru, forever and ever, does not come and go. He is the Imperishable Creator Lord;
He is permeating and pervading among
Kalgidhar ji also commands as :
knowledge be the Guru teach your soul, let concentration be the ashes you
put on your body
is achieved through Shabad. Shabad and Satguru are alike. Bhai Gurdas ji by
giving three examples has written a Swayia. In the first example he says
that a tree is grown from a fruit seed and the fruit comes from the tree.
Look at this amazing creation.
like the fragrance is hidden in the Chandan wood and the importance of
chandan is because of the fragrance. They are both alike and no body can
find out the difference of this amazing game. Also, as every piece of wood
contains fire and fire is produced through wood. Similarly Shabad contains
Guru and Guru contains the shabad. This mystery can be understood by guru
only. There is not even a little bit difference between shabad and Guru. As
stated in Bhai Gurdas ji’s vaar Swayia :
fruit comes from a tree and the tree comes from the fruit This
wonderous act cannot be described how it unfolds As
the scent is in sandal wood and the wood is inseparable from the scent
Astounding characteristic cannot be fathomed by anyone As
fire is contained within wood and the wood inseperable from fire This
wonder is extremely mysterious The
true guru is within the word and the word is inseperable from the true guru Guru
gives concentration and knowledge to those without merit
is why Satguru Ram Das ji has commanded in Kanra Raag that the shabad(word)
of Guru is the real form of Guru who guides the person in both worlds. As
stated on page 1309
True Guru is the Word, and the Word is the True Guru, who
teaches the Path of Liberation.
One must
abandon all other aid and seek refuge of Guru Granth Sahib ji …
people have faith in the people of the land and their country Some
people have faith on the strength of their profession as a ferry Some
people have faith in their formidable king or emperor as a friend Some
have faith that their family and clan will settle their affairs Some
have faith in their understanding of divine language of the gods or
prophesy Some
have faith in the grace of saintly actions Some
have faith in their cleverness and astute actions or ability to astonish I
have faith only on one guru Granth the true emperor.
Gursikh should remember those words of shabad Guru, which were uttered when
Sri Guru Gobind Singh ji gave title of Guruship to Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji.
These words were as :
Honorable Guru is always present and apparent, never
is my sight far from you
God bless us with the realization that ,” Guru meray Sang Sadha hai
naalay’(God Almighty is always with me) because then even the greatest
obstacle will not be in the way of Gursikh as Satguru ji says :
Satguru ji always protects us and will always protect us.