Message of the 11 Bhatts (bards) part-11
Bhatt Nalh ji
much information is available about Bhatt Nalh ji, but one thing is certain
that he too along with his family came to the holy shelter of Sri Guru Arjun
Dev ji for his inner spiritual satisfaction shortly after the heavenly
departure of fourth Guru Ram Das ji. The whole atmosphere was charged with
the greatness and reputation of fourth Guru Ram Das ji.
where the following words were echoing,”Dhan Guru Ram Das, Dhan Guru Ram Das”.
Bhatt ji learned from the congregation about how the fourth Guru handed over
the Divine throne to Sri Guru Arjun Dev ji considering Him as the apparent
light figure of Guru Ram Das ji. Bhatt Nalh ji describes his state of mind
in the form of prayer as,”O Guru Ram Das ji!, I have come to your holy
shelter. Please rescue me. It is your nature from the beginning that whoever
came to your shelter was given shelter and protection. Please give it to me
too.” As
you saved Bhagat Prahlaadh and killed Harnakhsh; You saved Daropadi when she
was about to be exposed without clothes by the Kauravs in the royal court,
Sudhama’s poverty was vanished by you, Ganka’s life was changed, me bhatt
Nalh requests that you to save me and give me shelter.” As stated on page
1400 :
please preserve the honor of Your humble slave. God
saved the honor of the devotee Prahlaad, when
Harnaakhash tore him apart with his claws. And
the Dear Lord God saved the honor of Dropadi; when
her clothes were stripped from her, she was blessed with even more.
Sudaamaa was saved from misfortune; and Ganikaa the prostitute - when she chanted
Your Name, her affairs were perfectly resolved. O
Great True Guru, if it pleases You,
please save the honor of Your slave in this Dark Age of kal Yuga.
pleasure and bliss which he got after having the glimpses of the Great Guru
is described by him in his swayias. He tells us about his previous wandering
mind and present peaceful immovability of mind. As stated on page 1400 :
Gazing upon the Face of the Guru, I find peace. I was thirsty, yearning to
drink in the Nectar;
to fulfill that wish, the Guru laid out the way.
My mind has become perfect; it dwells in the Lord's Place;
it had been wandering in all directions, in its desire for tastes and
Goindwal is the City of God, built on the bank of the Beas River.
The pains of so many years have been taken away;
gazing upon the Face of the Guru, I find peace.
drastic change which he experienced after coming to the shelter of the Great
Guru is narrated by him unhesitatingly for the benefit of the entire public
in the form of swayias. His past and present conditions are beautifully
compared and contrasted as to how he was transformed from a worthless glass
sheet to a mine of Gold when he listened to the words of the Guru by coming
to his shelter.
further says that his life was filled with the poison of passion, anger,
greed, love and pride. But when he prayed and recited this blessed naam with
his tongue, his life was sweetened with the taste of naam.
says,” My life was as heavy as iron with the weight of desires and bad
deeds, but when I started reciting and dwelling on God Almighty’s name, my
life became as valuable as diamond.”
ji says when he was lacking knowledge of the Guru, “ my life was like a
stone, as I was a burden on this earth. When I achieved the light of
knowledge from the Guru and I changed my life according to that knowledge,
then my life became priceless just like those priceless pearls.”
claims that his life was like a usual piece of wood until he was blessed by
the merciful sight of Guru ji. When he followed the path shown by Guru ji,
his life became Chandan(fragrant wood). All of my sorrows, worries and other
miseries have been vanished by great Satguru ji.
Nalh ji explains that who ever came to Guru’s shelter and was blessed by
him, his life was changed from having the intellect of animal to the wisdom
of sublime men and angels or deities. When we read about the experience of
Nalh ji with passion and concentration, we will learn about the greatness
and power of God Almighty. As stated on page 1399 :
Glass is transformed into gold, listening to the Word of the Guru's Shabad.
Poison is transformed into ambrosial nectar, speaking the Name of the True
Iron is transformed into jewels, when the True Guru bestows His Glance of
Stones are transformed into emeralds, when the mortal chants and
contemplates the spiritual wisdom of the Guru.
The True Guru transforms ordinary wood into sandalwood, eradicating the
of poverty.
Whoever touches the Feet of the True Guru, is transformed from a beast and a
ghost into an angelic being. ||2||6||
the next Swayia, Bhatt Nalh ji describes the greatness of Guru and inspires
the devotee to be Guru Walla and come to Guru’s shelter. The person who is
protected and sheltered by Guru ji is never proud of wealth; no force can do
him any harm. When Guru ji blesses some body and is on his side, then that
person doesn’t need any body else to teach him how to meditate and gain
spiritual knowledge.
person who is blessed by God, his heart is enlightened with Guru’s word and
the soul is stable in the true Guru’s shelter. The person who recites Guru
Guru day and night, concentrates his mind and becomes one with God is
liberated from the cycle of life and death. As stated on page 1399 :
One who has the Guru on his side - how could he be proud of his wealth ?
One who has the Guru on his side - what would hundreds of thousands of
supporters do for him ?
One who has the Guru on his side, does not depend on anyone else for
spiritual wisdom and meditation.
One who has the Guru on his side contemplates the Shabad and the
Teachings, and abides in the Home of Truth.
The Lord's humble slave and poet utters this prayer: whoever chants to the
Guru night and day,
whoever enshrines the Name of the Guru within his heart, is rid of both
and death.
Nalh ji tells us about the essence of his personal life and emphasizes the
role of Guru in one’s life. The true guru is a real guide, true teacher,
true liberator. So His naam, words and actions should be followed otherwise
life is worthless. As stated on page 1399 :
Without the Guru, there is utter darkness;
without the Guru, understanding does not come.
Without the Guru, there is no intuitive awareness or success;
without the Guru, there is no liberation.
So make Him your Guru, and contemplate the Truth;
make Him your Guru, O my mind. Make Him your Guru, who is embellished and
exalted in the Word of the
Shabad; all your sins shall be washed away.
So speaks NALL the poet: with your eyes, make Him your Guru;
with the words you speak, make Him your Guru, your True Guru.
Those who have not seen the Guru, who have not made Him their Guru, are
useless in this world.
Nal ji inspires us to come to Guru’s shelter and recite the naam blessed by
the Great Guru because of its greatest importance and benefit in life. The
numerous gains which a person gets by recitation of naam are beautifully
narrated by Bhatt Nal ji.
person who concentrates their mind in deep meditation of God given naam and
reading Guru’s Bani(prayer) attains to inner poise and quietness - a state
when no thought occurs. His or her soul crosses the ocean of existence
smoothly. A person receives liberation from all their miseries.
blesses such a person with all the comforts of life. Guru is always present
with those people who constantly keep Him in their heart, mind and soul. God
is always omnipresent in the heart of Satguru. That is why who ever gets a
glimpse of Satguru ji, all of their sins vanish. “O
My mind!, if you want spiritual knowledge, or get all the miraculous powers,
then you should get rid of your evil intelligence and recite Guru Guru all
the time, only then will you gain every thing from this world”. As stated on
page1400 :
Dwell upon the Guru, the Guru, the Guru, O my mind.
The All-powerful Guru is the Boat to carry us across in this Dark Age of
KaliYuga. Hearing the Word of His Shabad, we are transported into Samaadhi.
He is the Spiritual Hero who destroys pain and brings peace.
Whoever meditates on Him, dwells near Him.
He is the Perfect Primal Being,
who meditates in remembrance on the Lord within his heart; seeing His Face,
sins run away.
If you long for wisdom, wealth, spiritual perfection and properity,
O my mind, dwell upon the Guru, the Guru, the Guru.
we take inspiration from Bhatt Nallh’s ji’s personal life activities and
achievements and God willing leave our own intellect. If we then surrender
unconditionally to Guru’s intellect and have his shelter and protection,
only then can our life become successful. As stated on page 687 :
My Yatra, my life pilgrimage, has become fruitful, fruitful, fruitful.
My comings and goings have ended, since I met the Holy Saint.