Message of the 11 Bhatts (bards) part-10
Bhatt Harbans ji
Harbans ji was the nephew of Bhatt Bhikha ji and the son of Bhatt Gokha ji.
He too had intense desire to meet God. He couldn’t get satisfaction from
worldly pleasures so he wanted to get deeper spiritual insight. He came to
the holy shelter of Sri Guru Arjun Dev ji for eternal peace along with other
members of his family. He got patience, contentment, and peace when he was
blessed with holy glimpses of Sri Guru Arjun Dev ji.
impact of these Holy glimpses of the Guru were so great that Bhatt Harbans
ji went in to an ascetic inner state and uttered ,” O people of this world!
the path of peace for which you and I were wandering through Vedas, Shastras
and Puranas; Brahma ji (Hindu God) along with countless saints and seers
utter these Vedas and Shastras every time in praise of Guru in his
Darbar(Guru’s court). As
the Holy Ganges river flows for ever, similarly the constant flow of Naam of
Almighty flows in the sacred court of the great Guru. It never stops at any
time. The Divine canopy is blessing the head of Sri Guru Arjun Dev ji and
the great Guru always utters the spiritual divine name of God Almighty from
his mouth. God Himself has blessed Guru ji with the dignity of a Holy
Canopy. As
the great Guru Nanak Dev ji gave the title of Guruship to Guru Angad Dev ji
and left for his heavenly abode, Guru Angad Dev ji did the same thing to
Guru Amar Das ji. Guru Amar Das ji resided spiritually in the soul of Guru
Ram Das ji. The same tradition was carried on and Guru Ram Das ji
established His spiritual light in Sri Guru Arjun Dev ji and left for His
heavenly abode. Now Sri Guru Arjun Dev ji is noticeably giving sermons and
blessings to the congregation. As stated on page 1409 :
stream of the Lord's Name flows like the Ganges, invincible and
unstoppable. The Sikhs of the Sangat all bathe in it. It
appears as if the holy texts like the Puraanaas are being recited there and
Brahma himself sings the Vedas.
The invincible chauri, the fly-brush, waves over His head;
with His mouth, He drinks in the Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam.
The Transcendent Lord Himself has placed the royal canopy over the head of
Guru Arjun.
Guru Nanak, Guru Angad, Guru Amar Daas and Guru Raam Daas met
together before the Lord.
So speaks HARBANS: Their Praises echo and resound all over the world;
who can possibly say that the Great Gurus are dead ?
Harbans came to the holy shelter of Guru Arjun Dev ji a short time after Sri
Guru Ram Das ji had left for his heavenly abode. Bhatt Harbans ji had heard
words like,” The great Guru is no more! “. He replied right there and then,”
O Those people have gone astray! those who say that Guru is no more.” Those
people turned around and asked Bhatt Harbans ji, “ Where is Guru Ram Das ji
then ?”
Harbans ji answered,” Don’t you see him ? Guru Ram Das ji is sitting on a
beautiful throne with the Almighty. This throne was blessed by God Himself.
All the deities are praising and admiring him and paying their respect to
him. Guru Ram Das ji has handed over the Guruship throne of Sri Guru Nanak
Dev ji to Sri Guru Arjun Dev ji. Whoever has taken the holy shelter of Guru
Ram Das ji(Sodhi Sultan) is cleared from his sins.
us read the most polite, devotional and emotional words of Bhatt Harbans ji
about Sri Guru Ram Das ji stated on page 1409 :
When it was the Will of the Transcendent Lord Himself,
Guru Raam Daas went to the City of God.
The Lord offered Him His Royal Throne, and seated the Guru upon it.
The angels and gods were delighted;
they proclaimed and celebrated Your victory, O Guru.
The demons ran away; their sins made them shake and tremble inside.
He gave the Royal Canopy and Throne to Guru Arjun, and came home.
Those people who found Guru Raam Daas were rid of their sins.
Harbans ji had intense love for Satguru ji. Satguru ji had blessed him such
a high status and insight that with that insight he was able to see Sri Guru
Ram Das ji sitting on the throne with the Almighty God and at the same time
he was clearly seeing Sri Guru Ram Das ji in the form of Sri Guru Arjun Dev
to the orders of the tenth Guru, Sri Guru Gobind Singh ji , these people who
are blessed with this sort of insight win the spiritual game of life. On the
contrary those who see and visualize the light of Guruship pass through into
different life forms and become the victims of duality, they loose the game
of life. It is more clarified in the Chaupai(four lines verse) written by
Guru Gobind Singh ji in Bachitar Natak as :
Sri guru Nanak became Angad
Gur Amar Das ji was recognized by Angad
Amar das ji then was called Ram Das ji
Saints know this truth the foolish do not obtain this gift
All see the gurus as different individuals
Rare are those who recognize one soul in all the guru’s
He who knows them as one receive power to materialise their words
Without understanding one cannot get this boon
great are those blessed ones who see unity in diversity and visualize the
same divine light in different forms. Such was Bhatt Harbans ji who
pronounced :
Harbans Jagat jus sanchro Su kawan k-hay Sri Gur mu-yo||