Message of the 11 Bhatts (bards) part-8
Bhatt Bhallh ji
Bhallh ji was the son of Sokha ji and brother of Bhatt Sallh ji and nephew
of Bhatt Bhikha ji. He too presented himself in the holy shelter of Guru ji
. He practiced Sikhism in his practical life and succeeded in it gloriously.
only Swayia of four lines which is uttered in the praise of Sri Guru Amar
Das ji is registered in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji. The composition of this
Swayia, its style of writing, its similes and metaphors are so beautifully
fabricated that as we go on reading it, the greatness and glory of Sri Amar
Das ji securely lodges in our hearts. It
also purifies and sanctifies one’s mind and he becomes eager to read it with
devotion again and again. His similes are remarkable. He writes,” When it
rains, no body can count the number of rain drops falling on the earth from
the sky and no one will be able to.”
number of flowers that blossom in the spring season on the earth and type
of vegetables can not be counted.” “ How
many rays are emitted from the sun and the moon can not be counted.” “ The
volume of sea water and the number of waves rising in the river Ganga
cannot be counted because the creation of the Infinite is infinite.”
somebody like Shiva (Hindu God) were able to get knowledge from a Guru and
concentrate at a stretch and became capable of counting all the things in
this universe, wvwn then O Guru Amar Das ji!, shelter of shelter less, power
of powerless, your greatness cannot be measured. Your reputation and glory
is unique. So Satta ji, too has verified the statement of Bhatt Bhallh ji in
his following lines when he wrote the greatness of Guru Amar Das ji. As
stated on page 968 as :
You are not pushed or shaken by the storm and the wind;
you are like the Sumayr Mountain.
You know the inner state of the soul;
You are the Knower of knowers.
How can I praise You, O True Supreme King,
when You are so wise and all-knowing ?
if we read the Swayia of Bhallh ji, our heart will be filled with devotion.
His Swayia is stated on page 1396 :
The raindrops of the clouds, the plants of the earth,
and the flowers of the spring cannot be counted.
Who can know the limits of the rays of the sun and the moon,
the waves of the ocean and the Ganges ?
With Shiva's meditation and the spiritual wisdom of the True Guru, says
BHALL the poet, these may be counted.
O Guru Amar Daas, Your Glorious Virtues are so sublime;
Your Praises belong only to
God is infinite, His reputation can not be described. So is Sat Gur, the
form of God, his glory and reputation can not be written in words. Guru
Arjun Dev ji orders this in Raag Aasa on page 397 as :
How can I chant the Glorious Praises of the Guru ?
The Guru is the ocean of Truth and clear understanding.
He is the Perfect Transcendent Lord, from the very beginning,
and throughout the ages.
And on page 1078 it is
stated that :
Even the Vedas do not know the Guru's Glory.
They narrate only a tiny bit of what is heard.
the Glory, extent and conduct of God are unknown; so it is with Satguru who
is the visible aspect of God Almighty. Of course spiritual gain can be
achieved by singing the praises and glory of great Guru. Not merely
spiritual gains only but as ordered by the great Guru by remaining in the
true service of Guru, through constant meditation of his name, one can
mingle with Almighty God through Guru. As it is the law of nature as stated
on page 223 :
Those who remain immersed in the Fear of God become fearless
They become just like the One they serve.
we read the shabads of Guru Arjun Dev ji mentioned in Sri Raag the power of
Great Guru and his greatness can be well understood. Also the above
mentioned Swayia of Bhatt Bhallh ji will be further clarified as on page 52
Worship the Guru, the Transcendent Lord,
with your mind and body attuned to love.
The True Guru is the Giver of the soul;
He gives Support to all.
Act according to the Instructions of the True Guru;
this is the true philosophy.
Without being attuned to the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy,
all attachment to Maya is just dust.
O my friend, reflect upon the Name of the Lord, Har, Har
In the Saadh Sangat, He dwells within the mind,
and one's works are brought to perfect fruition.
The Guru is All-powerful, the Guru is Infinite.
By great good fortune, the Blessed Vision of His Darshan is obtained.
The Guru is Imperceptible, Immaculate and Pure.
There is no other as great as the Guru.
The Guru is the Creator, the Guru is the Doer.
The Gurmukh obtains true glory.
Nothing is beyond the Guru; whatever He wishes comes to pass.
The Guru is the Sacred Shrine of Pilgrimage,
the Guru is the Wish-fulfilling Elysian Tree.
The Guru is the Fulfiller of the desires of the mind.
The Guru is the Giver of the Name of the Lord,
by which all the world is saved.
The Guru is All-powerful, the Guru is Formless;
the Guru is Lofty, Inaccessible and Infinite.
The Praise of the Guru is so sublime-what can any speaker say ?
All the rewards which the mind desires are with the True Guru.
One whose destiny is so pre-ordained, obtains the Wealth of the True Name.
Entering the Sanctuary of the True Guru, you shall never die again.
Nanak: may I never forget You, Lord. This soul, body and breath are Yours.
need to get guidance from Bhallh ji and consider Guru ji and God as One. The
worship and praise of creation should be avoided. Only The creator should be
praised and worshipped. The holy Shelter of Guru ji should be sought. We
should then lead a practical spiritual life based on the following order of
the guru as stated in mahala 1st
as :
“Tu Sucha Sahib Sifat sualiyo, Jin kite so paar payia”.