Message of the 11 Bhatts (bards) part-7
Bhatt Sallh ji
Sallh ji was the brother of Bhatt Kallh ji and his father Sokha was younger
brother of Bhatt Bhikha ji. Bhatt Sallh ji also came with his uncle Bhikha
ji to have spiritual contentment in the shelter of Sri Guru Arjun Dev ji. It
will have to be admitted that the entire family of Bhatt Bhikha ji is worth
praising. They all presented themselves to Guru ji’s divine shelter for the
attainment of spiritual contentment.
wrote about their personal experiences and about their internal feelings
which they felt after having glimpses of Satguru ji in order to guide
humanity. Their written experiences are preserved by Sri Guru Arjun Dev ji
in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji.
ji writes in the praise of Guru Ram Das ji ,” You are the guru who can allow
the whole world to be liberated. You yourself are Supreme God. All angels,
ascetics, saints, gods and goddesses and Sikh disciples meditate your naam
from the very beginning.
time immemorial, you are eternal and ever existent. Your power is present in
all three ages. You give protection in Vedas, Shashtras. You are beyond old
age and death. Guru Amar Das ji has made you permanent for ever. O Emperor
of Sodhi’s! , Guru Ram Das ji you are free from any sort of restrictions and
are capable of emancipating your disciples from this worldly ocean. Whoever
comes to your holy shelter, cannot be overpowered by sins and angels of
death. What wonderful power you possess. As stated on page 1406 :
are the True Guru, throughout the four ages; You
Yourself are the Transcendent Lord. The
angelic beings, seekers, Siddhas and Sikhs have served You, since
the very beginning of time. You
are the Primal Lord God, from the very beginning, and
throughout the ages; Your
Power supports the three worlds.
You are Inaccessible;
You are the Saving Grace of the Vedas.
You have conquered old age and death.
Guru Amar Daas has permanently established You;
You are the Emancipator, to carry all across to the other side.
So speaks SALL the poet: O Guru Raam Daas,
You are the Destroyer of sins; I seek Your Sanctuary.
Sallh ji, while describing the immense power of Great Guru ji says,” From
ordinary people, to even the Great Rishis, Saints, and Ascetics no one could
save themselves from the jaws of maya(mammon); but O Guru Ram Das ji !
instead of being affected by the base instincts, You have tied and
restrained all the evil instincts of Kaam, Krodh, Lobh, Moh , Hankaar (means
lust, anger, greed, attachment and pride). Birth and death are under your
control standing with folded hands in service.
Guru Ram das Ji, you have made a holy bridge of naam for your true disciples
to cross the world ocean. You occupy the true divine throne by virtue of
your spiritual pursuit of raj yog. A canopy of Guruship bestowed by Great
Guru Nanak ji graces above your head. In the end Bhatt Sallh says,” O Guru
Ram Das ji!, I am narrating the truth. Your are the master of eternal and
enduring kingdom and chief of an undefeatable army.” What a beautiful
metaphor, Bhatt Sallh ji has written in the praise of Sri Guru Ram Das ji.
As stated on page 1406 :
He has crushed and overpowered emotional attachment.
He seized sexual desire by the hair, and threw it down.
With His Power, He cut anger into pieces,
and sent greed away in disgrace. janam kaal
Life and death, with palms pressed together,
respect and obey the Hukam of His Command.
He brought the terrifying world-ocean under His Control;
by His Pleasure, He carried His Sikhs across.
He is seated upon the Throne of Truth,
with the canopy above His Head; He is embellished with the powers of Yoga and the enjoyment of pleasures.
So speaks SALL the poet: O Guru Raam Daas, Your sovereign power is
eternal and unbreakable; Your army is invincible.
Bhatt Sallh ji has written
about Sri Guru Amar Das ji on page 1396 as :
Wearing the armor of Samaadhi, the Guru has mounted the saddled horse of
spiritual wisdom.
Holding the bow of Dharma in His Hands, He has shot the arrows of devotion
and humility.
He is fearless in the Fear of the Eternal Lord God; He has thrust the spear
the Word of the Guru's Shabad into the mind.
He has cut down the five demons of unfulfilled sexual desire, unresolved
unsatisfied greed, emotional attachment and self-conceit.
Guru Amar Daas, the son of Tayj Bhaan, of the noble Bhalla dynasty, blessed
by Guru Nanak, is the Master of kings.
SALL speaks the truth; O Guru Amar Daas, you have conquered the army of
evil, fighting the battle this way.
Sallh Ji is trying to reveal that all Satguru's are the true form of
Almighty God. The maya(mammon) of the world acts on human-beings through (
Kaam, Krodh, Lobh, Moh and Hankaar which means Passion, Anger, Greed, love
and pride) and deviate the person from the path of the truth. But this maya
couldn’t affect the true Satguru even in the least. On the contrary, whoever
came to the holy shelter of the Great Guru’s is sheltered and protected from
maya by the guru’s.
need is to leave one’s ego, come to the shelter and protection of the guru
and change one’s life practically according to the order of the guru.
Anybody who adopts this path unconditionally is blessed with the fulfillment
of human life by guru ji. As stated on page 687 :
My Yatra, my life pilgrimage, has become fruitful, fruitful, fruitful.
My comings and goings have ended, since I met the Holy Saint.