Message of the 11 Bhatts (bards) part-1
Bhatt Kallh Sahaar ji
Sahaar ji was the chief of all the Bhatts who came to seek the shelter of
Guru Arjun Dev ji and were blessed with the boon of Sikhism. Kallh ji wrote
54 Swayias in the praise of five Sat gurus which are enshrined in Sri Guru
Granth Sahib ji.
was the son of Sri Chokha ji and was the younger brother of Bhatt Bhikha ji.
He was a great Scholar and very intelligent. He has used the words “Kallh’
and “ Tallh” as last name instead of using their own name. Before writing
Swayias in the praise of Guru Nanak Dev ji, Kallh Sahaar had taken the
shelter of one Creator almighty that is also the shelter of the saints. Kallh
praised the omnipotent Almighty lord because he blesses everything. He wrote
in the praise of Guru Nanak ji that,”O Guru Nanak Dev ji, you are the ocean
of pleasures, destroyer of sins, and a store-house of patience and sobriety.
You are the source of “Shabad Bani”. You are worshipped by all the Yogis,
Jangams, Shivji, Brahma, Vishnu, Rishis and Munis from all classes, six
Shastars, Sankad, Jankaad and Sheshnaag for ever. “
is echoing with your greatness and dear Bhagats of Kalyug like Kabir ji,
Ravidas ji, Naam Dev ji, Tirlochan ji, Bhagat Beni ji, Sukhdev and Prikhat
sing your praises daily. What ability do I have compare to them who sing
your entire virtues? As stated on page 1389 :
Meditate single-mindedly on the Primal Lord God, the Bestower of blessings. He is
the Helper and Support of the Saints, manifest forever. Grasp
His Feet and enshrine them in your heart. Then,
let us sing the Glorious Praises of the most exalted Guru Nanak.
And :
The beings of deep and profound understanding, oceans of wisdom, sing of
Him; the Yogis and wandering hermits meditate on Him.
Indra and devotees like Prahlaad, who know the joy of the soul, sing of Him.
KAL the poet sings the Sublime Praises of Guru Nanak, who enjoys mastery of
Raja Yoga, the Yoga of meditation and success.
And on page 1390 as :
His Glorious Praises are sung by the devotees Ravidas, Jai Dayv and
The devotees Naam Dayv and Kabeer praise Him continually, knowing Him to
be even-eyed. The devotee Baynee sings His Praises;
He intuitively enjoys the ecstasy of the soul.
the greatness of Guru Angad Dev ji, Kallh Sahar writes,” O Satguru Ji, How
can I describe your greatness? Your greatness and respect extends up to
seven continents because you have attained the throne of World Guru, just by
the divine touch of Great Guru Nanak ji. As stated on page 1391 :
O Kal Sahaar, chant the Praises of Lehnaa throughout the seven continents; He met with the Lord, and became
Guru of the World.
Satguru ji! Nectar sprinkles from your vision. Who ever gets the blessings
of your Holy Sight causes the dirt of numerous births to be cleaned away.
The darkness of ignorance is removed for ever. As stated on page 1391 :
The Stream of Ambrosial Nectar from His eyes washes away the slime
and filth of sins; the sight of His door dispels the darkness of ignorance.
The soul is purified and
the pains of birth and death vanish away by the Divine sight of Such a Guru.
As stated on page 1392 :
When You bestow Your Ambrosial Glance of Grace, You eradicate all
wickedness, sin and filth.
Sexual desire, anger, greed and emotional attachment - You have overcome
all these powerful passions.
Your mind is filled with peace forever;
You banish the sufferings of the world.
The Guru is the river of the nine treasures, washing off the dirt of our
So speaks TAL the poet: serve the Guru, day and night, with intuitive love
affection. Gazing upon the Blessed Vision of
the Guru, the pains of death and rebirth are taken away.
describing the soaring personality of Guru Amar Das ji, Bhatt Kallh Sahaar
ji writes,” There is a sign of Lotus in the right hand of Guru Amar Das ji
which is a symbol of prosperity and miracles are gracing upon Guru’ s
Forehead. All the rare and costly things of the world are decorating your
left hand. In your heart dwells the indescribable God Almighty. You! Guru
Amar Das ji have truly enjoyed the nectar of Naam.” There is a sign of God’s
blessings on the forehead of Guru Amar Das ji. Any person who comes to
Guru’s shelter, gets his all desires fulfilled. As stated on page 1394 :
On His right hand is the sign of the lotus;
the Siddhis, the supernatural spiritual powers, await His Command.
On His left are worldly powers, which fascinate the three worlds.
The Inexpressible Lord abides in His Heart; He alone knows this joy.
Guru Amar Daas utters the words of devotion, imbued with the Love of the
On His forehead is the true insignia of the Lord's Mercy;
with his palms pressed together, KALL meditates on Him.
Whoever meets with the Guru, the certified True Guru, has all his desires
the vision of Kallh Sahar ji, Sri Guru Ram Das ji had the capacity to fill
empty beings to over its brims, a store house of peace, bliss and a symbol
of patience. Who ever comes to his divine shelter, gains all the spiritual
powers, liberation and happiness automatically. As mentioned on page 1396 :
So speaks KALL the poet: Guru Raam Daas, the son of Har Daas, fills the
empty pools to overflowing.
sahar ji has inspired spiritual learners to rush to Guru’s divine shelter as
soon as possible and abide by the rules of the Guru so that their both
worlds are rectified. How lucky a person would he or she be who gets the
pleasure of a Guru can be well understood from the following Swayia of Bhatt
Kallh ji on page 1398 of Guru Granth Sahib ji :
The Lord's Name abides in the hearts of those who are pleasing to the Guru.
Sins run far away from those who are pleasing to the Guru.
Those who are pleasing to the Guru eradicate pride and egotism from within.
Those who are pleasing to the Guru are attached to the Shadad, the Word of
God; they are carried across the terrifying world-ocean.
Those who are blessed with the wisdom of the certified Guru - blessed and
fruitful is their birth into the world.
KALL the poet runs to the Sanctuary of the Great Guru; attached to the Guru,
they are blessed with worldly enjoyments, liberation and everything.
ji also describes his experience about Sri Guru Arjun Dev ji that,” Sri Guru
Arjun Dev ji is capable of removing fear of any type, takes the miseries of
others upon himself, gives them comfort, protector of the religious flag, is
the son of emperor of Sodhis, Sri Guru Ram Das ji. His glorious reputation
is spread in every corner of the world. As stated on page 1407 :
He is the Destroyer of fear, the Eradicator of the pains of others.
Kall Sahaar the poet utters Your Praise, O Guru.
In the Sodhi family, is born Arjun, the son of Guru Raam Daas,
the holder of the banner of Dharma and the devotee of God.
And also on page 1407 :
The Support of the Dharma, immersed in the deep and profound Teachings of
the Guru, the Remover of the pains of others. The Shabad is excellent and sublime,
kind and generous like the Lord, the Destroyer of egotism.
ji has described the nature and religious practices of Sri Guru Arjun Dev ji
in these lines because he got a chance to live close and enjoy the company
of Great Guru ji.
to Kallh Sahar ji, the dirt of numerous births is washed away by the mere
vision of Guru ji. The messengers of maya( Kaam, Krodh, Lobh, moh, hankaar
which means passion, anger, greed, love, pride) depart from the soul of the
person. Abiding by the teachings of the Guru, the life of a person becomes
meaningful and successful. So we should also try to come into the Holy
vision of Guru ji. This is possible only if a person accepts a Guru. If one
wants to have a successful spiritual life then one has to be initiated by
our guru, Shri Guru Granth Sahib ji.