Message of the 4 Gursikhs (Part-4)
Baba Sundar ji
Sundar ji was the Great grandson of Sri Guru Arjun Dev ji and grand son of
Mohri Ji and son of Baba Anand ji. He was born in the year 1560 A.D. at
Goindwal Sahib. He was a contemporary of Sri Guru Arjun Dev ji and had a
scholarly mind. His intelligence is clearly portrayed in the gurbani Ramkali
Sudd which was written by him.
this Bani, Baba Sundar ji recorded the holy messages of Sri Guru Amar Das Ji
which guru ji conveyed to the disciples and members of his family at the
last stages of his life. For the guidance of the Sikh world, he recorded and
handed over these messages to Sri Guru Arjun Dev ji.
Holy bani of Ramkali Sudd is considered to be equivalent to the Guru’s Will
executed for the guidance and advise of the Sikh world on what to do and
what not to do in the last stages of one’s life. In this Bani, Baba Sundar
ji has mentioned the eternal truth of death which the Great Guru Amar Das ji
affirmed to his disciples and members of his family. As stated on page 923 :
O my
children, siblings and family, look carefully in your minds, and see. The
pre-ordained death warrant cannot be avoided; the
Guru is going to be with the Lord God.
of you, my sons, brothers, family members and Sikhs, please realize that
invitation from God is imminent for all. So God has sent for me also and I
am returning to him.”
as Guru Amar Das ji indicated about his time of death, he also gave
instructions to his family and Sikhs not to cry after his death. Whoever
disobeyed this order, would never be favored by him. As stated on page 923 :
True Guru, in His Own Sweet Will, sat up and
summoned His family. Let
no one weep for me after I am gone. That
would not please me at all.
ji further said,” O Friends! A sincere friend is he who is pleased when his
friend is given respect, He who cries when his friend is given respect is
not a friend. You should think this over very seriously. The Almighty God is
bestowing honor and respect on me in his court, so you should not to cry.
Rather you should be happy. As stated on page 923
When a friend receives a robe of honor,
then his friends are pleased with his honor.
Consider this and see, O my children and siblings;
the Lord has given the True Guru the robe of supreme honor.
giving all these instructions to his family, relatives and Sikhs, Sri Guru
Amar Das ji in his own life time blessed the title of Guruship to Sri Ram
Das ji. The Great Guru ordered all of his Sikhs, disciples, family and
relatives to bow and touch feet of Sri Guru Ram Das ji . As stated on page
923 :
The True Guru Himself sat up,
and appointed the successor to the Throne of Raja Yoga,
the Yoga of Meditation and Success.
All the Sikhs, relatives, children and siblings have fallen at the Feet of
Guru Ram
Guru Amar Das ji addressed every body who was present there and said,” After
my death, you are not to perform false and baseless traditional rituals
which were prevalent at the time. These rituals amongst others was to
decorate funerals, to do have a discourse from Garud Puran (hindu sacred
writings), lighting lamps, Offer rice balls and sweets on leaves into water,
to perform austerities and rites from pundits for the salvation of the soul,
pick up the remains of the dead body and throw them in the river Ganga at
Hardwar etc.
the contrary, you must praise the glory of one Almighty God. The teachings
of the noble awakened Gursikshs are to be heard and put to practice. Besides
this, you are not to waste your time in baseless rituals and rites (Karam
Kaand). As stated on page 923 :
Finally, the True Guru said, "When I am gone, sing Kirtan in Praise of the
Lord, in Nirvaanaa."
Call in the long-haired scholarly Saints of the Lord, to read the sermon of
Lord, Har, Har.
Read the sermon of the Lord, and listen to the Lord's Name;
the Guru is pleased with love for the Lord.
Do not bother with offering rice-balls on leaves, lighting lamps,
and other rituals like floating the body out on the Ganges; instead, let my
remains be given up to the Lord's Pool.
above mentioned teachings of Guru Amar Das ji were accepted by his disciples
happily. After that, he performed the ceremony of bestowing Guruship to Guru
Sri Ram Das ji and ordered everybody present there to bow to Sri Guru Ram
Das ji.
of all Baba Mohri ji, son of Guru Amar Das ji obeying the order of his
father bowed to Sri Guru Ram Das ji. After him the entire congregation turn
by turn respectfully bowed at the holy feet of Sri Guru Ram Das ji because
on the evening of bestowing Guruship, Sri Guru Amar Das ji had stated that
the Divine Light had now entered in to Sri Guru Ram Das ji and from now on
Sri Guru Ram Das ji is the only heir to the throne of Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji.
AS stated on page 924 :
And as the True Guru, the Primal Lord spoke,
and the Gursikhs obeyed His Will.
His son Mohri turned sunmukh, and become obedient to Him;
he bowed, and touched Ram Das' feet.
Then, everyone bowed and touched the feet of Ram Das,
into whom the Guru infused His essence.
And any that did not bow then because of envy - later,
the True Guru brought them around to bow in humility.
It pleased the Guru, the Lord, to bestow glorious greatness upon Him;
such was the pre-ordained destiny of the Lord's Will.
Says Sundar, listen, O Saints: all the world fell at His feet.
great teachings stated in Ramkali Sudd delivered by Sri Amar Das ji at the
last stage of his life to his family and disciples are enshrined in Sri Guru
Granth Sahib ji and all this credit is due to Baba Sundar ji. These
teachings will continue giving guidance and working as a light house for the
coming generations to remain away from and avoid false and baseless rituals
for ever. Baba Sundar ji breathed his
last breath after reaching the age of 43 years old and merged with God
Almighty. As stated on page 633 :
O Nanak, he merges with the Lord of the Universe, like water with water.
As regards to Baba Sundar
Ji, the following lines of Gurbani aptly describe his life journey on page
687 :
My Yatra, my life pilgrimage, has
become fruitful, fruitful, fruitful.
My comings and goings have ended, since I met the Holy Saint.