Message of the 4 Gursikhs (Part-3)
Rai Balwand Ji and Satta Ji Continued.....
Guru Arjun Dev ji came back to Harmander Sahib as usual in his cool
temperament, stood on the terrace and the congregation gathered there.
Everybody knew that Rababis had insulted Guru ji so they felt angry and
annoyed . But Guru Ji told them very patiently,”dear congregation, let us
sing the praise of God ourselves. He
handed over the Rabab and Saranda to the Sikhs and allowed them to do the
Kirtan. From that day onwards, the combination of rhythm and rhyme started
in the form of divine Kirtan. Guru Arjun Dev ji blessed Sikhs with knowledge
of music and started the institution of Raagis(religious singers at
Gurdwaras). It is stated in Gurupur Parkash as :
From then knowledge of raag came into the sikhs
Singing listening with affection and attention all were delivered
The Singer caste (doom) repented and felt remorse for their greed
Going house to house singing the Shabad they did not get any respect
Guru ji uttered the words about Satta jiand Balwand ji that they have become
too proud, their bodies started to decompose with leprosy. Every body
avoided them. No body dared to recommend or tell the plight of the bards to
Guru ji because guru ji declared already that who ever makes a
recommendation for anything regarding these proud singers, would be
dishonored in public by having their face blackened, a garland of shoes
placed around the neck and taken on a donkey ride around town.
last both of them met with Bhai Ladha ji at Lahore in extreme pain and
misery. They cried desperately before him and told him the entire episode
and requested Bhai Ladha ji to propose their case and ask for forgiveness
from Guru Arjun Dev ji. Bhai Ladha ji took pity on them.
Ladha ji took on all the punishment upon himself by blackening his face,
wearing a garland of shoes and riding a donkey in public as fixed by Satguru
Arjun Dev ji. He arrived like this in Amritsar amidst a crowd jeering him
along with Rababis Satta jiand Balwand ji. Bhai Santokh ji has beautifully
written :
One accursed by the guru is
forgiven at the behest of the sikh.
One accursed by the sikh
has no other door to turn to.
They keep burning until they meet water that brings them to life
and quitens their agony
Injuries easily vanish this life is saved from falsehood life does not
Ladha ji reached Sri Amritsar Sahib. Sri Guru Arjun Dev ji was moved seeing
Bhai Ladha ji in this condition and hearing his touching request to pardon
Satta ji and Balwand ji rababis. Guru Arjun Dev ji ordered water to be
brought and in front of the Sangat(congregation), washed the blackened face
of Bhai Ladha ji. He then hugged him lovingly and Guru ji blessed Bhai Ladha
ji as ‘Bhai Ladha Parupkari (benevolent)’ and thus forgave the rababis.
ji ordered them to praise the divine throne of Guru Nanak with the same
tongue with which they had spoken all those insulting words and only then
could they be forgiven This episode clearly proved to Satta jiand Balwand ji
how much power and capacity they really possessed. Now, the art of music of
which they were so proud of, had faded away and their mind was purified with
the grace of Guru. Both of them wrote a vaar in praise of guru’s.
first five Pauris are written by Balwand ji and the last three are written
by Satta jiji. This vaar is entered in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji by Sri Guru
Arjun Dev ji on page 966 giving the singers of Guru Ghar(house) equal place
and status, thus making Satta ji and Balwand ji immortal and respectable for
ever. This is open-mindedness of Guru Ghar(guru house).
Guru Arjun Dev ji, Satta ji and Balwand ji used to recite Kirtan daily and
punctually in the Darbar of Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji. One day when they were
reciting Aasa Di vaar in the presence of Sri Hargobind Singh ji and the
congregation, both of them took their last breath together. Sri Guru
Hargobind Singh ji performed the last rituals with his own hands and blessed
them the boon of merging in the feet of Almighty.
first five pauris written by Balwand Ji portray the praise and greatness of
Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji and Sri Guru Angad Dev ji. He writes that Guru Nanak
Dev ji established the empire of modesty and kindness. The fort of truth was
established for its safety and the foundation was laid by Sri Guru Nanak Dev
ji exceptionally firmly.
Guru Nanak Dev ji in his own life time bestowed the throne of this modesty
and kindness to Sri Guru Angad Dev ji and bowed before him. Before blessing
the Guruship title, Guru Nanak Dev ji tested his sons and disciples very
thoroughly. Only Bhai Lehna ji could pass this hard test of the complete
Guru. He completely surrendered before the Guru. He ignored his own will
absolutely. He always remained ready to abide by the orders of the Great
Angad Dev ji’s greatness spread everywhere after he was blessed with the
title of Guruship by Guru Nanak Dev ji. As usual, the congregation gathered
in large numbers with great inspiration and joy. It looked as if Guru Nanak
Dev ji had just changed his body, the Light was the same.
way of life and tradition was the same. The same divine canopy was over the
head of Guru Angad Dev ji. Who ever visited and got glimpses of Sri Guru
Angad Dev ji got their consciences cleared of all the bad deeds of previous
lives. Balwand ji has stated on page 966-967 as :
Nanak established the kingdom;
He built the true fortress on the strongest foundations.
He installed the royal canopy over Lehna's head;
chanting the Lord's Praises, He drank in the Ambrosial Nectar.
The Guru implanted the almighty sword of the Teachings to illuminate his
The Guru bowed down to His disciple, while Nanak was still alive.
The King, while still alive, applied the ceremonial mark to his forehead.
Nanak proclaimed Lehna's succession - he earned it.
They shared the One Light and the same way;
the King just changed His body.
The immaculate canopy waves over Him, and He sits on the throne in the
Guru's shop
The Praises of the Master were sung,
and the Divine Light descended from the heavens to the earth.
Gazing upon You, O True King, the filth of countless past lives is washed away.
ji not only praised the Holy qualities of Sri Guru Arjun Dev Ji he also
described the great love for sangat(congregation) and extremely hard service
in langar by Mata Khivi ji particularly in his vaar. At no other place in
Bani of SatGuru ji, we get the details of the type of langar(community
kitchen) that was served in that time period of Sat Guru ji.
ji described the type of dishes served with extreme love and affection by
Guru ji himself and his wife. Both of Balwand ji and Satta ji describe all
these things in their var as followed on page 967 :
Balwand says that Khivi, the Guru's wife, is a noble woman,
who gives soothing, leafy shade to all.
She distributes the bounty of the Guru's Langar;
the kheer - the rice pudding and ghee, is like sweet ambrosia
And on page 968 it states
that :
Your kitchen always has ghee and flour to eat.
Guru ka langar(community kitchen) food was made with melted butter, flour,
sugar and rice cum milk pudding daily and distributed in the congregation.
historians had written a false and imaginary story that in times of Guru
Angad Dev ji, meat was used in the langar. This is a total lie. If meat was
used in the langar then Satta ji and Balwand would have mentioned it. When
meat was not cooked or used in the langar then the question of it being
mentioned does not arise. Even today in all the langars at Gurdwaras(Sikh
temple or house of Guru) in India or abroad, meat is neither prepared nor
used in any form because it is not acceptable in the Langar of the Guru.
the sixth pauri of his Bani, Satta ji has written”Pota”(Grandson) as regards
to Sri Guru Amar Das ji, so he portrayed him as a true form of Sri Guru
Nanak Dev ji. As stated on page 968 :
The same mark on the forehead, the same throne,
and the same Royal Court.
Just like the father and grandfather, the son is approved
the seventh Pauri Bhai Satta ji has mentioned the Grandson of Sri Guru Ram
Das ji as,” O Guru Ram Das ! You are great, You are great. All the Sikhs
have bowed before you, considering you as a true form of Almighty. YOU
yourself are the incarnation of Guru Nanak Dev ji and Sri Guru Angad Dev ji,
and Sri Guru Amar Das ji.
now in your present form of Sri Guru Ram Das ji, you are giving your
glimpses in fact as a true form of Almighty to the Congregation. Who ever is
blessed with your glimpses, His wandering mind has come become still. As
stated on page 968 :
Blessed, blessed is Guru Raam Daas;
He who created You, has also exalted You.
Perfect is Your miracle;
the Creator Lord Himself has installed You on the throne.
The Sikhs and all the Congregation recognize You as the Supreme Lord God,
and bow down to You.
You are Nanak, You are Angad, and You are Amar Daas;
so do I recognize You.
When I saw the Guru, then my mind was comforted and consoled.
the eighth Pauri Bhai Satta ji has portrayed Sri Guru Arjun Dev Ji as fifth
form of Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji and is thus shown us the reality that the
light of Guru Nanak Dev ji after being personified in the four Gurus has now
embodied in the form of Guru Arjun Dev ji. This light now graces the throne
of Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji and shows the better path to the humanity. As
stated on page 968 :
The four Gurus enlightened the four ages;
the Lord Himself assumed the fifth form.
He created Himself, and He Himself is the supporting pillar
Your miracles increase two-fold, even four-fold;
this is the True Lord's true blessing.
The four Gurus enlightened the four ages;
the Lord Himself assumed the fifth form.
ji and Balwand ji had awakened us in two ways. Firstly, they have portrayed
the greatness of divine light awakening the curious learners to let them
know that there is no difference between Guru and God. Secondly, they have
shown the people a lesson to learn from the personal life experience of
Satta ji and Balwand ji. The lesson is that greed and desire for money
covers the virtues of a man as pure water is covered by dust and pollen
grains, so one must always be cautious to refrain from greed. As mentioned
on page 967 :
Greed ruins mankind, like
the green algae in the water. Also Satguru Nanak Patshah
orders about greed on page 419 as :So renounce greed - you are
blind! Greed only brings pain. When the True Lord dwells
within the mind, the poisonous ego is conquered.
Balwand ji no doubt has
portrayed the evil state of mind polluted by greed in Gurbani, but Satta ji
has also blessed us with the teachings of living according to Guru’s Will
and Grace. As reads on page 968 :
Those blessings granted by
the Pleasure of the True Guru - please bless Satta with those gifts.