Message of the 4 Gursikhs (Part-2)
Rai Balwand Ji and Satta Ji
to the writings of Baba Prem Singh Santrain Ji, Balwand ji was the son of
Rajada and Satta ji was his cousin(mother’s sister’s son) . Both of them
recited Kirtan in the congregation of Sat Guru Arjun Dev ji. As stated in
Gurupur Parkash written by Baba Prem singh :
Balwand is the son of rajaada He
sings good hymns in the guru’s feet Satta
is the son of their aunt Who
is poor and full of sorrow and pain He
has tried to obtain wealth but to no avail After
wandering and roaming he has returned to the guru’s door
was once a shortage of money in the house. So in order to earn some money,
Balwand ji stopped his Kirtan and went to earn a living in a foreign
country. He tried several different methods to earn money but he was
unsuccessful. At last in deep despair, he came back to Satguru Arjun Dev
ji’s shelter. Suffering from poverty and misery, he stood before Guru Arjun
Dev ji with folded hands, sang praises of the Almighty and asked for help.
He said,”
have come to your door and shelter, bestow your mercy
Immense lofty Reputation have you, vanquisher of pain, sorrow
and misery of the poor
Saviour of dropadi and a morsel you lift aginst an elephant
Destroyer of armies of demons giver of victory to gods
Prehlad was saved from pain in blink of an eye as was pudreek rishi
Evil minded Balmeek was saved reciting your name
and gained the four qualities
Ganka a prostitute was delivered which pilgramge did she need to visit ?
i.e you
As you have emancipated these people so deliver me too o lord
Arjun Dev was very pleased to hear his ‘Swayia’ in Guru-Darbar. Satguru ji
blessed him spiritually and with wealth. Congregation was also pleased to
listen to their kirtan and they gave a lot of money. Then Satta jiand
Balwand ji were given the title of Rai which means chief or king. As
mentioned in Gurpur Parkash :
listening to them Guru ji was pleased and bestowed much money.
The congregation listened and donated a lot of money.
They emerged as leaders amongst many and in a short time became rich
many years were spent in serving the Guru. Due to the melodious kirtan,
money began to accumulate. This caused a feeling of pride in their mind that
they were the best singers and congregation gathers here to listen to them
only. They felt the reputation and prestige of Guru Ghar(house of guru or a
temple) was due to their presence only. Such thoughts overpowered them and
they forgot their previous days when they were saved from starvation. The
false pride of money and people around them controlled their thinking.
ji fixed a day for the marriage of his daughter. He thought about doing the
Nikkah(marriage ceremony according to Muslim religion) with lot of pomp and
show. So after finding a good match both(Satta ji, Balwand ji) requested
Satguru Arjun Dev ji as : They went and said to the
Satguru to marry their daughter by blessing money and wedding items. The daughters wedding will
be big they said whoever sees or hears of it will give praise. They asked guru ji that
they had fixed the marriage of their daughter and wanted this occasion to be
shown to the people with great glamour and pride. So they asked for more
money for the wedding.
ji heard this request and ordered,” Satta jiand Balwand ji! You can take as
much wealth as you need.” Both of them were happy but influenced by greed
they thought that guru ji may not give enough and so why not ask for the
takings for one day. They replied,” Guru ji , please give us all the
offerings on the day of Baisakhi.” Satguru ji smiled and said,” O.K. If your
work can be accomplished with the offerings of Baisakhi, then you can take
recited Kirtan happily and went home. They started to wait for
Sangradh(First day of the month) of Baisakhi eagerly. Finally, the day of
Baisakhi came. They came early that morning to Guru Darbar and started
Kirtan. Just see the irony of fate, rain began to fall heavily on that day
and the Congregation from far and near villages couldn’t come. So due to the
small number of people, offerings were also insufficient.
the Kirtan was over, Satgur ji gave them all the offerings to them, but it
was not enough according to their expectations. They threw away the bag
containing the offerings before Satguru ji and said,” You have cheated us.”
Satguru ji gave 100 rupees(Indian currency)more and said,” Use this amount
and take more if you need.” But because of their pride, they talked bad
about Satguru ji and went home in an angry mood :
With a foul mind they
walked out. And they Spoke slanderous words about for the guru they
vowed not to come near the guru’s house and never to sing Hymns again
next morning, the congregation gathered at Guru Darbar, But Satta jiand
Balwand ji did not come to sing Kirtan. After waiting for some time, Sat
Guru Arjun Dev ji sent one man to bring Satta ji and Balwand ji from their
home. The person, abiding by the Guru’s order, went to their house and gave
them the message.
of them were overpowered by their pride and they started maligning Guru Ji,
insulting and slandering all the Guru’s too. The messenger Gursikh could not
tolerate it. He came back and said,” Lord! Rababis have been overpowered by
pride. They spoke insulting words.
embodiment of peace and patience, Sri Guru Arjun Dev ji Himself went to
Satta jiand Balwand’s house to persuade them to come and sing kirtan for the
congregation. The entire event is beautifully described by Bhai Vir Singh Ji
in very touching way which is worth reading. It reads,’ Look there! Near the
Dharam Saal of Bhai Salo ji, the Divine Light is standing in the door steps
of Satta jiand Balwand ji.
corpses of both the people(Satta jiand Balwand ji) didn’t even get up to pay
respect to the eternal truth. Their stubbornness and false pride didn’t
allow them to at least be grateful and say,” Welcome !O eternal light. Great
are you and greater are your deeds. You are superb who has this high degree
of peace, patience and love.”
Guru Arjun Dev ji lovingly said to them,” Why are you annoyed, O servants of
divine words (Shabad)? Why didn’t you come to the Darbar today? Are you
annoyed over some material things? What ever you have, try to serve your
purpose with that. If you need more in the future, you will get more to meet
your needs. This is a rotating cycle.”
of them (Satta jiand Balwand ji) answered in a very angry voice,” We have
received 100 rupees from your so called main treasure. We heard about your
treasury every day but never saw it. It was empty. There were millions of
rupees offered and it all disappeared. Nothing stayed. Where have you buried
the treasure of Guru Nanak? Now we will work with someone else who will
honor and admire our tunes and earn our livelihood in this way. As long as
we stayed with you, we wasted our gift of music.”
further said,” You have lost your memory. For so many years, no body knew
Guru Nanak. When Mardana recited Kirtan, only then Guru Nanak came into
existence. Lehna(Guru Angad Dev ji) couldn’t become a guru, hadn’t our
ancestors helped him. He would have remained a mere son of a Khatri without
our support. It was all due to our ancestral rababi singers that Lehna(Guru
Angad Dev ji) achieved the heights of a guru and sons of Guru Nanak(Sri
Chand ji and Lakhmi Das ji) remained without the title of Guruship. The
reputations of your father and forefathers were basically created and
nurtured by our family Rababis. We have made you a Guru. Now we are unhappy.
We will create a new Guru and sing his praises. We will ask the congregation
to stop giving you offerings. Then you will come to know whether this
Guruship was bestowed on you or did we contribute this Guruship title. Until
now you have not recognized our efforts. Now you will come to know when we
make somebody else a Guru.”
Guru Arjun Dev ji silently tolerated his own insult but he couldn’t take it
any more when they started making insulting remarks and slandering Sri Guru
Nanak Dev ji and Sri Guru Angad Dev ji. Guru Arjun Dev ji left the place
saying,” They have become too proud to the point of bursting” These words of
Guru ji became a curse for the rababis. In Punjabi guru ji used the word
‘Fit jana‘ which has two meanings. One means to become so proud as to split
open. In another sense it also means to blister open with leprosy.