Message of the 15 Bhagats or saints (Part-20)
Bhagat Sain ji
registered in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji : one shabad
Teachings : God does not like exhibition. To please God, inner true love and
high degree of devotional meditation is required.
to the order of Guru Nanak Dev ji, no body asks about Ghee (melted butter)
and silk that who made the silk and which person, of what caste made the
butter. Everybody uses both of these things considering them to be pious, no
body says they are defiled. As musk, saffron flower and gold are used for
beautifying the body by everyone and loved by everyone, no body asks whether
a low caste person has touched it or not. All of these things are respected
as noble items. Similarly
a true devotee of Almighty God may be of any caste, class or family, they
are respected and recognized by all. Sahib Guru Nanak Dev ji has ordered on
page 721 as :
Saffron, flowers, musk oil and gold embellish the bodies of all.
The Lord's devotees are like sandalwood,
which imparts its fragrance to everyone.
No one says that ghee or silk are polluted.
Such is the Lord's devotee, no matter what his social status is.
Sain ji was born in a low caste just like Baba Kabir ji and Baba Nam Dev ji.
Bhagat Sain ji was a naa-ee( barber) whose main job was to serve the master,
to convey messages between families, to cut the nails of the members of a
family and to clean their ears too.
ji was born in the village Sohal Thathian(Amritsar) in the house of Sri
Mukand Rai ji and Srimati Jivani ji in the year 1390 A.D. In some books his
birth place is recorded as Bandhwa Garh because he was in the royal court of
King of Riva. Punjab government has celebrated his 654th
birthday with great pomp and show at his village Sohal on
6-12-1997. A beautiful Gurdwara and a Sarovar has been built in his memory.
Some records show his birth in 1334 A. D.
good karma of past deeds of Bhagat Sain ji were very noble and were eager to
reveal their fruit. He was always interested in God Almighty ever since he
was a child. Even during his duty, he continued doing his simran(pray).
During that time period , Bhai Ramanand ji was one of the famous advocates
of Bhagti movement, so Bhagat Sain ji got his religious instruction from
Bhagat Ramanand ji.
to some reason, he went to his aunt (dad’s sister) Devi at Lahore. He was
married to Bibi Sulakhni ji, daughter of Sri jaj kharh. He was blessed with
a son whose information is not available. He came to Delhi from Lahore in
search of a job. After staying for sometime in Delhi, he went to a town
called Riva. He got the job of an attendant in the court of a king. He
served the king with honesty and sincerely, thinking of him as his Master.
He was never negligent in his duty.
this time, he was at the prime of his youth both physically and spiritually.
After his duty was over, he spent almost his entire time in meditation of
God. So many people often paid visits to him to get some spiritual
blessings. He would serve saints and noble personalities with great love and
respect. He would arrange meetings and discussions with spiritually worthy
people to get divine boons.
Gurdas ji in his vaars has described a special incident of Bhagat ji’s life
indicating how God Almighty protects his true devotees. After reading it one
can learn about Bhagat ji’s spiritual level and at the same time it comes to
surface how the Creator Himself protects His noble souls. Sri Guru Arjun Dev
ji states on page 783 as :
The Lord Himself has stood up to resolve the affairs of the Saints;
He has come to complete their tasks.
And on page 403 :
He Himself preserves His servants;
He causes them to chant His Name.
Wherever the business and affairs of His servants are,
there the Lord hurries to be.
Gurdas ji writes that due to Naam Recitation, the reputation of Bhagat Kabir
ji spread all over the world. After hearing about his reputation Bhagat Sain
ji took religious instructions from Ramanand Ji. Bhagat Sain ji would
perform his duty at the king’s palace during the day and at night he recited
God Almighty’s name. One day a group of Saints came to his home. He served
them with love and respect. He offered them food. The Sadhu’s recited and
meditated God’s name with full concentration all night long.
Ji could not leave the Sadhu’s and the congregation gathered at his house.
He was so engrossed in their service that he forgot to go to his duty at
King’s palace. In order to save his devotee, God disguised Himself as Bhagat
Sain ji and performed his duty at the palace so nicely that the king was
very impressed and happy with his service.
next day Sain ji offered food to the Sadhu and they left. After they left,
the thought of absence from his duty came to his mind. He thought the king
might punish him because he neglected his duty and was absent yesterday.
Sain ji reached the royal court to beg pardon from the king in a state of
embarrassment and repentance.
king was sitting on his throne and saw Sain ji coming with folded hands. The
King got up, took his robe off and put his royal robe around the neck of
Sain ji and said,” Sain! You have captured me completely with your service.
This royal robe, I give to you with pleasure.”
getting so much love and respect from the king, Sain ji got emotional and
said,” Oh King ! I could not come to your service last night because a group
of Sadhus came to my house. I spent one complete night and day with them and
forgot to come to my duty. I came here to ask for forgiveness for my
said,” You just left here after giving me great pleasure and comfort. You
served me so well that all my miseries and pains have vanished.”
ji replied,” O King ! You are lucky to have been served by God Almighty
Himself in my disguise. Sir, God Almighty whose glimpses and touch are
desired by Angels and others have served you. Really you are the blessed
King touched Sain ji’s feet, saying,” If it is true Sain ji, then it is all
due to your devotional meditation that I got the touch of God and His
Glimpses in your form. I consider you my Guru starting from today. “ Thus
the Creator Showed clearly the greatness and reputation of his true devotee
in the world. Even today the generations of that king accept generations of
Sain ji as their Guru. Bhai Gurdas ji states in his vaar 10 pauri 16 as :
Hearing of glory of Kabir, Sain also turned to be a disciple.
In the night he would immerse in loving devotion
and in the morning he would serve at the door of the king.
On one night some sadhus came to him
and the whole night was spent in singing the Lord's praises
Sain could not leave company of the saints
and consequently did not perform the king’s service the following morning.
God himself took the form of Sain.
He served the king in such a way that the king was overjoyed.
Bidding fairwell to the saints, Sain hesitantly arrived at the palace of the
The king From a distance the king called him nearby.
He took off his own robes and offered them to Bhagat Sain.
You have overpowered me’, said the king
and his words were heard by one and all.
God himself manifests the grandeur of the devotee.
Guru Arjun Dev ji has ordered in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji regarding Bhagat
Sain ji in Aasa Raag that he who used to help other people recited God
Almighty’s name from the core of his heart. He became famous in this world
and received high status of a Great Bhagat with the Grace of God. Guru Arjun
dev ji states on page 487 as :
Sain, the barber, the village drudge, became famous in each
and every house.
The Supreme Lord God dwelled in his heart,
and he was counted among the devotees.
There is only one shabad
enshrined in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji which shows his firm belief and deep
concentration in meditation of God. Guru Arjun Dev ji states in Dhanasari
Raag on page 695 :
With incense, lamps and ghee,
I offer this lamp-lit worship service.
I am a sacrifice to the Lord of Lakshmi.
Hail to You, Lord, hail to You !
Again and again, hail to You, Lord King, Ruler of all !
Sublime is the lamp, and pure is the wick.
You are immaculate and pure,
O Brilliant Lord of Wealth !
Raamaanand knows the devotional worship of the Lord.
He says that the Lord is all-pervading,
the embodiment of supreme joy.
The Lord of the world, of wondrous form,
has carried me across the terrifying world-ocean.
ays Sain, remember the Lord,
the embodiment of supreme joy !
by his devotion, firmness and strong faith in God, Sri Guru Arjun Dev ji has
titled the Bani of Bhagat Sain ji as ”Sri Sain”. Bhagat ji quit doing all
the odd jobs of this world and started doing the real job of the true Lord.
Almighty God who served in his place, disguised Himself as Bhagat ji , was
revealed to the world by Bhagat ji through his tireless sermons which were
full of compassion.
directing the poor, strayed people in the true direction, Sain ji inspired
them to leave false rituals, irrational and hollow Karam Kaand and to
meditate on God Almighty’s name.
left for his heavenly abode after enjoying recitation and meditation for
fifty years of life in the year 1440 A.D. and mingled with God Almighty. As
stated on page 1106 :
Naam Dayv, Kabeer, Trilochan, Sadhana and Sain crossed over. Says Ravidas, listen, O Saints, through the Dear Lord, all is accomplished.