Message of the 15 Bhagats or saints (Part-17)
Bhagat Jai Dev ji
registered in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji : one shabads in Rag Gujri on
Page 526, Second shabad in Rag Maroo on page 1106
1. Darshan Raghav 2. Geet Gobinday 3. Chander Lok
Teachings : Avoiding Pride and egoism, leaving traditional Karam Kaand
(Ritualism), Almighty God can be achieved through meditation of one and only
one form of Akaal Purakh(timeless entity).
former name of Bhagat Jai Dev ji was Pardharmric. He was born in Bengal in
the year 1201 at village Kantooli. His father was Sri Bhoj Dev and mother
Srimati Rama Devi(Bam Devi). He was an extra-ordinarily intelligent child.
parents were disciples of Lord Krishna, so he inherited a religious
atmosphere at home. He used to go to temple with his parents and involve
himself in worship. The feelings of devotional love , penance and meditation
developed spontaneously in his mind. His father sent him to study Sanskrit
and Prakrit language with a scholar Pandit (Brahmin). He was still in his
childhood when he lost his parents. The yearning desire to see Almighty God
increased further with the tragedy of his parents , who were very dear to
more powerful incident happened in his life. His father’s friend whose name
was Niranjan took control of the family property deceitfully. This property
was to be inherited by Jai Dev. Jai Dev was shocked by this event. He was
deeply affected by how a friend of his father would cheat him. He
was saddened with the behavior of worldly people. He was overwhelmed by the
feeling that the friend of his father who was supposed to give him shelter
and protection in the absence of his father had taken over his entire
property. As Guru Nanak Dev ji has stated in his Bani that,”Dukh Daroo Sukh
Roag bhayia (sometimes pain acts as a medicine and changes the life of a
tragic death of his parents and on top of it his property taken away by his
father’s friend, helped Jai Dev ji to move in the direction of God’s
meditation. He wrote so many devotional songs in the praise of Almighty in a
considerate mood and sang these hymns day and night. Who ever heard his
hymns was impressed.
from being totally engrossed in God’s meditation, he had become a scholar of
Sanskrit, Prakrit language and Sant Bhakha and his reputation as a scholar
and saint spread all over the country. The King of Bengal of that time
period, Lachhman Sasin ji was much impressed with his meditation, poetry and
education. He approached Jai Dev ji and appointed him as his royal poet
giving him the title of Rattan (Ruby). He
was married to srimati Padmavati by this time. He fulfilled his duties
towards family life as well as writing devotional songs at the same time. He
wrote three great books which were Darpan Raghav, Geet Gobinde and Chander
Lok. These writings were very popular in Bengal and far away villages of
other states. His wife too sang the hymns written by him in a very melodious
tone and attracted his gratitude.
Jai Dev ji spent some time in the service of King Lachhman Sen but his soul
did not like burden of any kind. He wanted to lead an independent, free life
so he left the King’s service and went to the forest without telling his
wife. He used to write and sing praises of Lord Krishna. One time while he
was writing His famous book ’Geet Gobinday’, he was held up in such a
dilemma that he didn’t know what to write and what not to write.
whole day was wasted in these to and fro thoughts. He went to take a bath in
the stream flowing close by. During his bath, a strange thing happened.
Almighty God appeared in his own form and wrote the line on which Jai Dev ji
was held up. After returning from taking a bath, when he opened the book to
write the incomplete line, he found out that line had already been written.
He was shocked but at the same time ego overpowered him.
thought overwhelmed him that the songs written by him are liked by God so
much that He Himself appeared and completed his incomplete song. As stated
in Gurbani ,” Har Jio Ahankar Na Bhavee Ved Kook Sunaveh” (even the Vedas
proclaim that ego is unacceptable to God). In order to rectify Bhagat ji’s
ego, Almighty God played a wonderful trick.
ever tree Jai Dev looked at, the entire Geet Gobinday Granth was written on
every leaf of that tree. Jai Dev ji’s pride vanished. He begged for
forgiveness from God. After this incidence, his love, devotion, and
unselfish feelings toward God increased. Bhai Gurdas ji mentions all this in
vaar 10 pauri 10 as :
Getting immersed in the loving devotion,
the devotee Jaidev would sing the songs of the Lord (Govind).
He would describe the glorious feats accomplished by God and was greatly
loved by him.
He (Jaidev) knew no would and hence binding his book would return home in
the evening.
God, the repository of all virtues in the form of the devotee Himself wrote
the songs for him
Jaidev would get elated seeing and reading those words.
Jaidev saw a wonderful tree in the deep forest.
Each and every leaf had the songs of the Lord Govind written on it.
He could not understand this mystery.
Due to the love for the devotee, God embraced him in person.
God and saint have no veil in between.
was always cautious against the evil of egoism because he did not want it to
cling to him again. He didn’t sit under any tree for long just in case its
thick shade might become a source of attachment for him. He always tried to
become attached to God only. Anything which deviated his mind from the love
and meditation of God, he would avoid it right there and then. Many examples
of miracles in his life are narrated in” Bhagat Mall” . They show how
attached he was to God.
the last years of his life, he stayed at Kenduli, his birth place. The river
Ganga flowed at a far off distance from his place. Bhagat ji had promised to
take a holy dip in the Ganga daily. One day he heard a Cosmic voice from
heaven directing him,”Bhagat Jai Dev! You better take a holy dip in Ganga in
your inner vision only. It will not affect your promise.”
Bhagat ji didn’t accept it from within his heart. Strange are the miracles
of God, the river Ganga got flooded and it created a new course flowing near
the birth place of Bhagat ji. So God helped his true disciple to keep his
promise throughout his life. Such mysterious ways of Almighty are known only
to spiritual personalities. People with rational attitude of life are unable
to understand such devotional actions. On the contrary even the real things
happening seem to be unreal and self made.
two shabads are entered in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji by Sri Guru Arjun Dev ji,
one is on page 526 and the other one is on 1106. The first shabad contains
five couplets. In the first couplet, knowledge and greatness of God are
described. The origin of everything is God, who is the Greatest and beyond
is everywhere in the form of truth, beauty and justice. He is the complete
embodiment of love, away from the influence of maya (wealth). He cannot be
described completely in words. He is beyond imagination. He is everywhere.
ji in the next two couplets describe the importance of naam of God that,” O
Brother! The name God has captivated everything and is a pure nectar. It
should be recited daily. The fear of birth and death is liberated with naam
meditation. The misery of old age, unexpected, and undesired events do not
give you grief. O Brother! If you want to conquer the angel of death, then
indulge in simran(pray) and adopt noble deeds.
is eternal in the past, present and future. He is indestructible and a
complete form of divine bliss.
the third couplet Bhagat ji focuses our attention on the things which should
be avoided such as greed, adultery, grabbing or stealing someone else’s
wealth, all bad habits and evil deeds which are against the religious way of
life and then take the shelter of God.
the fourth couplet Bhagat ji talks about the disciples of God who by virtue
of their meditation become recipients of noble living. They don’t need
methods of yoga. These Holy souls don’t need any donation and devotional
the fifth couplet he says,” O mortal ! You should recite God’s name (Gobind’s)
name only. All the miraculous powers are gained by constant recitation of
God’s name.” When Bhagat ji narrates his own life experience he says,” I
Jaidev have left all the shelters and came only in the shelter of God, who
was, who is and who will be there for ever for me. He is the rescuer of
let us take a look at the original text form of the poetry of this highly
devotional and top scholar saint Bhagat Jai Dev ji. As stated on page 526 of
Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji :
In the very beginning, was the Primal Lord, unrivalled,
the Lover of Truth and other virtues.
He is absolutely wonderful, transcending creation;
remembering Him, all are emancipated.
Dwell only upon the beauteous Name of the Lord,
the embodiment of ambrosial nectar and reality.
Remembering Him in meditation, the fear of birth,
old age and death will not trouble you. If you desire to escape the fear of
the Messenger of Death,
then praise the Lord joyfully, and do good deeds.
In the past, present and future, He is always the same; He is the embodiment
of supreme bliss.
If you seek the path of good conduct, forsake greed, and do not look upon
other men's property and women. Renounce all evil actions and evil
and hurry to the Sanctuary of the Lord.
Worship the immaculate Lord, in thought, word and deed.
What is the good of practicing Yoga, giving feasts and charity,
and practicing penance ?
Meditate on the Lord of the Universe, the Lord of the Universe,
O man; He is the source of all the spiritual powers of the Siddhas.
Jai Dayv has openly come to Him;
He is the salvation of all, in the past, present and future.
written earlier, Bhagat Jai Dev ji and his wife Padmavati had come to their
native village in the last years of his life. At this place he left for
heavenly abode while meditating and reciting God’s name in the year 1273
A.D. He reached the last stage of meditation and merged with the Almighty as
water mingles with water.