Message of the 15 Bhagats or saints (Part-13)
Bhagat Sadhna ji
Registered in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji : One shabad in Raag Bilawal On page
Teachings : The unison with Almighty God can be possible only by avoiding
pride, status and ego. As long as one does not surrender unconditionally,
nothing can happen.
I am
nothing, I have nothing, and nothing belongs to me. Now,
protect my honor; Sadhana is Your humble servant
ji was born in a Muslim family in the year 1180 A. D. at village
Sehalwal(Hyderabad, Sind Pakistan). His father was a butcher, so he used to
cut and sell meat for livelihood. Sadhna ji was very religiously inclined
since childhood but due to his family environment and other conditions he
had to adopt the profession of a butcher.
Sadhu(saint) of high level of attainment inspired him to recite the name of
God. There are so many stories common about his life. One of these was that
Bhagat Sadhna ji used to worship a piece of stone(Salagram) as an idol and
he would also use the stone for weighing the meat for his customers.
Brahmins of that area got angry when they saw this action of his. They
complained to the king that the stone(Thakur) which is a thing to worship is
being used by Sadhna ji as a measuring weight for meat.
the other hand, Muslims complained that because Sadhna ji is worshiping an
idol (Thakur) being a Muslim, he is a Kafir(non-believer in his Islam
religion). In order to calm down both sections of the society, the King
called Sadhna ji to his royal court. Sadhna ji very politely tried to
satisfy the king, but he couldn’t get justice from him. The
king ordered him to be buried alive with a wall of bricks around him. Sadhna
ji was thus due to be bricked alive in the new wall being constructed for
the fort and which would kill him. The executioners began to fix Sadhna ji
in the wall.
true devotee Sadhna ji began to request Almighty God from the bottom of his
heart saying,” O God! A carpenter’s son disguised himself as Vishnu ji to
marry a king’s daughter. You sheltered him even though his motive was merely
selfish sexual gratification. “ “O
God! If you say that I have committed too many sins by killing animals
(being a butcher) in my life, then tell me what benefit did I get by coming
to your shelter. Which merits of yours make you a World Master! ,If my evil
deeds are not to be forgiven by you. Your single Graceful sight can wash the
sins and bad deeds of infinite births. “
You tell me God! What is the use of coming to the shelter of a lion (God) if
Jackals keep on chasing me ?” “O
My Master! A rain bird( papiha) yearns and cries for a drop of rain. If that
bird died without water then what is the use of the ocean full of rain water
after its death ? “O
God, I am about to breathe my last breath, how can I stay calm? Please be
quick and help me. If a person drowns in the water, and his body is put into
a boat after his death then what is the use of the boat for a dead person ? “O
Lord! I am nothing. I have neither any shelter nor any support. Now please
protect me. I am your humble servant. As stated on page 858 :
For a king's daughter, a man disguised himself as Vishn
He did it for sexual exploitation,
and for selfish motives, but the Lord protected his honor
What is Your value, O Guru of the world,
if You will not erase the karma of my past actions ?
Why seek safety from a lion, if one is to be eaten by a jackal ?
For the sake of a single rain-drop, the rainbird suffers in pain
When its breath of life is gone, even an ocean is of no use to it.
Now, my life has grown weary,
and I shall not last much longer; how can I be patient ?
I drown and die, and then a boat comes along,
tell me, how shall I climb aboard ?
I am nothing, I have nothing, and nothing belongs to me.
Now, protect my honor; Sadhana is Your humble servant
When Sadhna ji requested to be saved
with extreme humility and from the core of his heart, then Almighty God, the
omnipresent and omnipotent protected and provided shelter to his true
devotee. The wall fell down. Sadhna ji was saved completely. The King
forgave Bhagat Sadhna ji after seeing the wonderful miracle of saving a
pious and true devotee.
Sadhna ji thanked Almighty God, broke all the worldly relations and went to
the jungle for meditation. Once on the way to a pilgrimage he felt very
hungry. He went to a village to beg for food. Bhagat ji was a very handsome
chubby young man. When he begged for food from a house, the lady of the
house was attracted to him.
wanted to have illegitimate relations with him. She offered food to Sadhna
ji with great love and also showed the desire for a relationship with him.
The lady didn’t understand the pious state of mind of Bhagat ji. On the
contrary she thought that this young man was putting her off due to the
reason that her husband was sleeping at home.
lady beheaded her husband under the influence of uncontrolled sexual desire
and asked Bhagat ji to gratify her sexual desire without any fear and worry.
Bhagat ji was very annoyed and upset to see the evil actions of the lady. He
cursed her strongly and decided to leave when this lady started to shout in
order to draw attention. She started crying, charging Bhagat ji for
seducing, molesting and compelling her for sexual favors. She got him
arrested under the pretext that bhagat Ji had killed her husband because he
wanted to have a relationship with her.
the people believed the woman and had Bhagat ji arrested and tried in court.
The king ordered to amputate the hands of Bhagat Sadhna ji. Bhagat ji bore
the punishment and lost his hands. After sometime with the grace of God the
hands grew back again. It is stated in Gurbani on page 768 :
The Dear Lord protects His humble devotees;
throughout the ages, He has protected them.
Sadhna ji saw so many miracles of Almighty God that he surrendered
unconditionally to His Will. He preached the truth of religion to the
general public throughout his life. He left for heavenly abode at
Sirhind(Punjab, India). In Sirhind, his Dehura called Sadhnay di Maseet( a
memorial tomb)) is established. No doubt very few people go and bow to his
Dehura but due to his position and bani enshrined in Sri Guru Granth Sahib
ji , he will continue being respected as an honorable saint as long as the
world exists. As Bhai Gurdas ji’ vaar 23,
pauri 15 states…
Sadhana have also been called saints.
Kabir is accepted as bhagat, the devotee, and Ravidas.