Message of the 15 Bhagats or saints (Part-12)
Bhagat Bhikhan Ji
Registered in Sri Guru Granth Sahib : Two shabads, Raag Sorath Pages
Teachings : Achievements in the field of Spirituality are received through
the grace of Guru. The pleasure attained by the recitation of Naam cannot be
explained in words. It gives taste to the tongue, soothing sensation to the
ears and peace to the soul. One should not be lazy to receive such a
precious naam.
ji was born in the year 1480 A. D. at village Kokri, Distt. Lucknow India.
His family believed in Sufi-ism. Since childhood he was very religious. His
memory was so strong that he learned the whole Quaran-Sharif(Muslim Holy
book) in Arabic by heart at a very early age.
got religious education from Syed Mir Ibrahim and made him his spiritual
mentor. In his guidance, he achieved a high degree of spiritual stature. As
Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji has stated in Aasa Di vaar that,”Niway so Gaura
Hoay(The person who apologizes even when it ‘s not his fault is a great
when Bhikan ji started getting knowledge in worldly education, he got to the
highest rank of “Haqiqat” in the field of spirituality at the same time.
Thus he was called a saint and a scholar of high quality. In spite of his
high status and reputation, he addressed himself as “Kari” which means
purpose of meditation agreed with that of Gurmat (thought of guru). Sikh
Guru’s too have given the name of “Sikh” to their students. “Sikh” means a
person who is ready to learn, is learning and will keep on learning
throughout his life. Any person who shuts the door of learning can neither
progress in worldly or spiritual pursuits. Only God Almighty is
complete(perfect) and everybody else is imperfect. Learning is important to
become perfect from being imperfect. So a Sikh is a learner.
had freed himself from the boundaries of Sharah and Shariat. He loved
everyone. He thought the whole universe as a form of God so he respected it
and loved it. He had immense faith in the existence of God. He had full
control over his mind and senses. He always kept himself in tune with Allah
Tallah( God). Two shabads of Bhagat Bhikhan ji are enshrined in Sri Guru
Granth Sahibji. These shabads show that he had merged with Almighty God
throughhismeditation and recitation. This state of bliss that he enjoyed
cannot be described in words. It can only be experienced. How can this stage
be achieved ?
answer is by reciting the name of God. Who gets naam ? The answer is the
person who unites with Guru. Who unites with Guru? The answer is that person
who has great luck. So the person who is lucky gets the blessings of naam
with the grace of Guru. Naam, which is more expensive than diamonds and
gems, can not be concealed. Sri Guru Arjun Dev ji states on page 1096 :
The hidden jewel has been found; it has appeared on my forehead.
Bhikhan ji has stated in his Bani,” The merits of Almighty God cannot be
described in words, and the pleasure of meeting Him can not be stated, just
like when we offer sweets to a mute who cannot describe the taste of
sweetness. O brother! a tongue get the nectar of naam it recites. The ears
get pleasure when they hear naam.
heart gets a deep sense of peace when naam resides in it. The eyes are also
saved from the bad scenes with the grace of naam. Bhagat Bhikan ji further
says,” Now where ever I see, I visualize Almighty God present in every
particle of matter. He is omnipresent. His mental condition is further
stated on page 659 :
Such is the Naam, the Name of the Lord,
the invaluable jewel, the most sublime wealth,
which I have found through good deeds.
By various efforts, I have enshrined it within my heart;
this jewel cannot be hidden by hiding it.
The Glorious Praises of the Lord cannot be spoken by speaking.
They are like the sweet candies given to a mute.
The tongue speaks, the ears listen,
and the mind contemplates the Lord;
they find peace and comfort.
Says Bheekhan, my eyes are content;
wherever I look, there I see the Lord.
other words, he cautions a human being and warns him, hinting towards
reality of life that, “O! Man. Why don’t you recite such a valuable naam
which gives you pleasure and peace in every way ? Why don’t you ? When will
you do it? Will you recite naam when your eyes become so weak that water
starts coming out of them? When your body becomes helpless and out of
control ?
your hair turn grey and throat chokes with mucus, would you then recite naam?
When all these conditions start affecting the body then you will not be able
to recite naam. It will be too late. “O
God ! We pray in your holy feet to save your devotees from these pains in
life. In old age, a person starts getting pain in the heart and liver,
because the functions of the body slow down. Without you, O Lord, no body
can save us from these miseries of old age. In the entire world there is no
medicine which can stop or avoid old age. O God! Your holy naam is a penance
for all the diseases. By holding on to naam, I shall pass through the doors
of salvation. Bhagat ji states in Gurbani on page 659 :
Tears well up in my eyes, my body has become weak,
and my hair has become milky-white.
My throat is tight, and I cannot utter even one word;
what can I do now? I am a mere mortal.
O Lord, my King, Gardener of the world-garden, be my Physician,
and save me, Your Saint.
My head aches, my body is burning,
and my heart is filled with anguish
Such is the disease that has struck me;
there is no medicine to cure it.
The Name of the Lord, the ambrosial, immaculate water,
is the best medicine in the world.
By Guru's Grace, says servant Bheekhan,
I have found the Door of Salvation. ||3||1||
throughout his life, he preached and practiced naam and helped others to
recite it. He left for his heavenly abode in the year 1573 but he did leave
an authentic impression on our minds through his Bani in Sri Guru Granth
Sahib ji, His words would continue guiding and enlightening us for ever.