Message of the 15 Bhagats or saints (Part-8)
Baba Sheikh Farid Shakkar Ganj ji Continue.....
day, Sheikh Farid ji felt thirsty. So in order to quench his thirst he went
to the village from the jungle. He saw a well there. There was a young lady
drawing water out of the well, but she kept withdrawing the water and
throwing it on the ground. He asked the young lady for some water but she
didn’t pay any attention and went on doing what she was doing.
again requested water but the young lady deliberately ignored him and
finally answered in an angry tone,” Baba ! Wait a while; I am doing very
urgent work. These are not the sparrows of the jungle that you can say die
and come back to life and show your power”. After listening to these words,
Farid ji felt very bad but at the same time he wondered about how did that
lady know about the sparrow incident that happened in the jungle.
the lady stopped throwing water on the ground, She addressed Farid ji and
said,” Baba ji now you can have water.” He drank the water and politely
asked the lady about her insight about sparrows and also about the reason
for throwing water on the ground.
young lady replied,” My sister’s house is at a far distance from here. Her
whole family has gone out of town. Her house had caught fire in her absence.
So I was extinguishing the fire of her house by throwing water on the
ground. Now about sparrow incident, my husband is a true devotee of Almighty
God and I am a faithful wife to my husband. I got this power of insight
spontaneously, just by keeping myself in my husband’s will. I have never
done any penance or any sort of meditation. Baba ji, power of Miracles is
God’s gift. We should not try to use and show it. We should live in God’s
will and tolerate the intolerable.”
ego in Sheikh Farid ji’s mind vanished after listening to the tone and
powerful words of the young lady. He cursed his mind and scolded himself for
not becoming a true servant of Allah (God) yet. To become a truthful and
humble servant of Allah, he had to adopt the boldness of a tree. He says so
in Sri Guru Granth Sahib on page1381 :
Fareed, work for your Lord and Master;
dispel the doubts of your heart.
The dervishes, the humble devotees,
have the patient endurance of trees.
Baba Farid ji tried to extinguish his pride by meditating on Allah’s name in
such a love stricken manner and pleading requests to meet Allah that even
listeners are touched within to hear his yearning for Allah. The Bani
uttered by him shows the intensity of separation in his mind for God. As
mentioned on page 1382 :
Fareed, my withered body has become a skeleton;
the crows are pecking at my palms.
Even now, God has not come to help me;
behold, this is the fate of all mortal beings.
The crows have searched my skeleton, and eaten all my flesh.
But please do not touch these eyes;
I hope to see my Lord.
O crow, do not peck at my skeleton;
if you have landed on it, fly away.
Do not eat the flesh from that skeleton,
within which my Husband Lord abides.
Farid ji’s true yearning request was accepted in the court of Almighty
Allah. He crossed Marfat(last stage of spiritual development for Muslims).
He became enlightened that God, the Almighty already resides in his heart.
On the contrary he was looking for Him in the jungles uselessly. As
mentioned on page 1378 :
Fareed, why do you wander from jungle to jungle,
crashing through the thorny trees ?
The Lord abides in the heart;
why are you looking for Him in the jungle ?
level of politeness and humility increased proportionally to his level of
spirituality. People worshipped him as a saint of highest level. He had a
vast and deep experience of life. He knew that when, with the grace of God,
a person is gifted with Holy merits , at the same time, wealth as an evil
influence also enters the human mind secretly, in the form of pride and
degrades him in the eyes of Allah(God). To solve this situation, Sheikh
Farid ji always remained humble as mentioned on page 1384 :
Humility is the word, forgiveness is the virtue,
and sweet speech is the magic mantra.
Also on page 1381 it states
Fareed, my clothes are
black, and my outfit is black. I wander around full of
and yet people call me a
dervish - a holy man.
Farid ji went on molding
his mind to unconditional surrender from time to time so that he could be
accepted in the house of Lord. As mentioned on page 1378 :
Fareed, become the grass on
the path, if you long for the Lord of
all. One will cut you down, and
another will trample you underfoot; then, you shall enter the
Court of the Lord
once Farid ji was over
whelmed by ego and he suffered a great loss. He always tried to keep himself
away from egoistic pride and preached others to do so. As stated on page
1383 :
Fareed, those who are very
proud of their greatness, wealth and youth, shall return empty-handed
from their Lord, like sandhills after the rain.
Farid ji had immense faith
in his Allah Tallah(God). He never took shelter of any body except God. This
can be understood from one of the incidents in his life. Once due to his old
age, he was unable to walk on his legs. His follower offered him a beautiful
wooden stick to walk with. After hardly taking three or four steps he threw
the stick away saying,” Farid did not take shelter of anybody but Allah
throughout his life then why should I use this lifeless stick in old age for
help?” An example of His deep faith in Almighty God probably can’t be found
anywhere else. He states this in Guru Granth Sahib ji on page 1379 :
Cursed are the lives of
those who place their hopes in others.
achieving unison with Almighty Allah(God), he now saw His Light. He never thought evil about
anyone and doing harm to someone never came to his mind. As stated on page
1381 :
Fareed, the Creator is in
the Creation, and the Creation abides in God. Whom can we call bad? There
is none without Him.
Also on page 1381 he states
Fareed, those deeds which
do not bring merit - forget about those deeds. Otherwise, you shall be put
to shame, in the Court of the Lord.
He stated furthermore on
page 488 :
I seek Your Protection -
You are the Forgiving Lord. Please, bless Shaykh Fareed
with the bounty of Your meditative worship.
He left for his heavenly
abode on the year1266 A.D. at Pakpatan(Pakistan) and proved his uttered
words. As mentioned on page 488 :
Those whom the Lord
attaches to the hem of His robe, are the true dervishes at
His Door. Blessed are the mothers who
gave birth to them, and fruitful is their
coming into the world.
And as stated on page 687 :
My Yatra, my life
pilgrimage, has become fruitful, fruitful, fruitful. My comings and goings have
ended, since I met the Holy Saint.
Farid ji became immortal
after getting the above mentioned blessings from God and left foot prints
for us to follow in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji. He will continue inspiring us
to become true lovers of God. As he stated on page 488 :
They alone are true, whose
love for God is deep and heart-felt Those who have one thing in
their heart, and something else in their
mouth, are judged to be false. Those who are imbued with
love for the Lord, are delighted by His Vision. Those who forget the Naam, the Name of the Lord, are a
burden on the earth.