Message of the six guru’s (Part-9)
Guru Arjan Dev ji Continue.....
ji in his short span of life did an immense favor to humanity by compiling
the Adi Granth. He pulled people out of doubtful living and fake rituals,
and showed them the true way of life. As Guru Ram Das ji commands on page
314 :
Falsehood does not mix with the Truth; O people, check it out and see.
And on page 646 :
Those who are permeated by falsehood, do not love the Truth.
If someone speaks the Truth, falsehood is burnt away.
say the truth, to hear the truth and to practice the truth is extremely
hard, especially for politicians because for them the real danger is from a
true person and not from the enemy or the enemies troops. The person who is
in power finds it difficult to listen to the truth and tolerate it. So these
politicians or powerful people always try to suppress the truth. The
increasing publicity of truth on a daily basis was not liked by
Jahangir(Muslim King). He felt that this awareness about truth could become
a danger for his throne. He built up a set of alleged offences and ordered
Guru ji tried under Yasa punishments. Chandu and Murtaza Khan tortured Guru
ji in many different ways and finally martyred him.
Great Guru before courting arrest at Amritsar had handed over Guruship to
Sri Guru Hargobind Singh Ji through Baba Buddha ji and directed clearly,”
Son ! this body is to depart, there is no doubt about it. Evil forces are
ready to swallow humanity. The house of Guru Nanak Dev ji is here to protect
freedom, love and self-respect. If the oppressors don’t understand the
language of peace, then the language of the sword ( language of sword)
should be used to put them on the right path. Guru Sri Hargobind Singh ji
strictly obeying the order wore two swords of Miri ( Spiritual) and Piri
(temporal authority). Thus the tradition of Shastardhari(keeping arms) was
instituted to banish oppression. Bhai Gurdas ji writes about this in his
vaar 1 pauri 48 :
(From Guru Nanak to Guru Arjun Dev) Five pirs who drank from the five cups
(of truth, contentment, compassion, dharama, discerning wisdom), and now
the sixth great pir is holding the Guruship.
Arjun (Dev) transformed himself into Harigobind and sat majestically.
Balwand Ji has stated that the light of Guru Arjun Dev ji is the
personification of Guru Nanak Dev ji. The enlightenment of Knowledge about
Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings had been spread by Bhai Balwand ji from
morning till evening in all four directions. As mentioned in ramkali ki vaar
on page 968 :
Guru Arjun sits on the throne; the royal canopy waves over the True Guru.
From east to west, He illuminates the four directions
Mathra ji compared Guru Arjun Dev Ji ‘s personality with a Ship. As
mentioned on page 1408 :
In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, Guru Arjun is the Ship;
attached to him, the entire universe is safely carried across.
And on page 1408 :
O Mathuraa, consider this essential truth: to save the world, the Lord
incarnated Himself.
Whoever meditates on Guru Arjun Dayv, shall not have to pass through the
painful womb of reincarnation ever again.
in the transparent vision of Bhatts, Guru Arjun Dev ji is like a ship for the human beings to
cross the horrible ocean of life in this age of darkness. At the same time
by reciting the name of Guru Arjun Dev ji , a person can get liberation from
the cycle of birth and death because there is not even a little bit
difference between Guru Arjun Dev ji and God. Bhatt Mathura ji states on
page 1409 :
He is totally pervading the earth, the sky and the nine regions of the
He is the Embodiment of the Light of God. So speaks Mat'huraa: there
is no difference between God and Guru; Guru Arjun is the Personification of
the Lord Himself
Main Teachings of Sri Guru
Arjun Dev ji :
wants pleasure in this world. The Great Guru has clearly indicated that this
pleasure can be attained only through naam recitation. Naam Simran not only
relieves physical pains and illnesses but bestows family peace, mental
well-being and bliss too. Even in the beginning of Sukhmani Sahib, on page
262 the great Guru Says :
Meditate, meditate,
meditate in remembrance of Him, and find peace. Worry and anguish shall be
dispelled from your body.
And :
Sukhmani : Peace of Mind,
the Nectar of the Name of God. The minds of the devotees
abide in a joyful peace. ||Pause||
Naam recitation helps in
this world and the next world. As on page 264 :
Where there is no mother,
father, children, friends or siblings O my mind, there, only the
Naam, the Name of the Lord, shall be with you as
your help and support.
In order to gain success in
naam meditation a person should follow the path as mentioned on page 286 :
Time after time, again and
again, meditate on God.
While there is also a
message to recite God’s name, as on page 517 :
That Lord and Master is my Anchor and Support; O
Nanak, hold firm in your mind.
Remembering Him in meditation, happiness comes,
and all sorrows and pains simply vanish.
One should have faith in
Almighty God because relying on mortals is in vain and Great God is the
giver to all. As on page 281 :
Reliance on mortals is in
vain - know this well.
The real cause of all
illnesses is forgetting the Transcendent Lord. As mentioned on page 135 :
Forgetting the Transcendent
Lord, all sorts of illnesses are contracted.
Those who turn their backs on the Lord shall be separated from Him and
consigned to reincarnation, over and over again.
Wealthy is the man who
recites His(Almighty) naam with every breath. As on page 250 :
Those who gather Truth, and the riches of the Lord's Name, are rich and very
is no difference between a man and an animal if a man does not recite naam and does not know
the real object of life. As on page 251 :
Those who have come into the world without understanding are like animals
and beasts.
A human being’s life
journey in this world is successful only if he or she recites God’s naam. As
mentioned on page 252 :
How fruitful is the coming
into the world, of those whose tongues celebrate the
Praises of the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.
is beautiful and handsome ? Only those who sit in the congregation and
meditate on Naam. As
on page 132 :
They alone are beautiful
and attractive, who abide in the Saadh
Sangat, the Company of the Holy.
human body has been given to you to meet the Lord of the Universe. As stated
on page 12 :
This human body has been
given to you. This is your chance to meet
the Lord of the Universe
leaving every sort of wisdom, tactics and tricks, the only job worth doing
is the admiration of the Creator. As on page 43 :
O my mind, praise the
Creator. Give up all your clever
tricks, and fall at the Feet of the Guru.
this world neither the strong man nor is the wealthy great. Then who is
great? They alone are great, who are lovingly attached to the Lord. As on
page 188 :
Who is great by the
greatness of Maya
They alone are great, who
are lovingly attached to the Lord.
have pity and mercy on the poor and the needy. One who shows his anger on
the poor and the helpless is punished in return by attracting the anger of
God. As on page 199 :
The bearded emperor who
struck down the poor, has been burnt in the fire
by the Supreme Lord God.