Message of the six guru’s (Part-8)
Sri Guru Arjun Dev ji
Details of Gurbani : 2218
Shabads in 30 Raags, enshrined in Sri Granth Sahib ji
Guru Arjun Dev ji was born on 15th
April, 1563 at Goindwal Sahib. His parents were Sri Guru Ram
Das ji and Mata Bhani ji. He spent his childhood at Goindwal Sahib in a very
religious atmosphere. He enjoyed sitting in the holy lap of his grandfather,
Sri Guru Amar Das ji, who showered countless blessings upon him calling him
“Dohta Bani Kaa Bohitha” and hinted of his prophetic greatness by
saying,”Kehra Vadda Purakh hai Bhari, Jiss Manji Hilaee Saddi Sari” meaning
who is this saint of immense stature
who has rocked the very bedrock of the house of baba Nanak. Guru Arjun Dev
ji received expert training in learning of Gurmukhi (Punjabi), Sanskrit and
Devnagri. He was very fond of horse riding and skilled in the art of tent
pegging and the use of a spear.
the age of 11 years, he got married to Mata Ganga Ji, daughter of Bhai
Kishan Chand Ji of village Mao( near Phillaur, Punjab). He was blessed with
a son Sri Guru Hargobind Ji on June 2nd, 1595. According to Bhatts, Guru
Arjun Dev ji realized the existence of God from birth and there is no
difference between God and Guru Arjun Dev ji. He is the personification of
God. As on page 1407 :
From birth, He realized God through the Guru's Teachings.
And on page 1409 :
So speaks Mat'huraa: there is no difference between God and Guru;
Guru Arjun is the Personification of the Lord Himself.
As he was pre-ordained by
the Almighty to liberate and guide the world. On page 1409 the Bhatts state
Guru Raam Daas, to save the world, enshrined the Guru's Light into Guru
Arjun. ||4||
Guru Ram Das ji bestowed on him the Guruship on 1st September 1581. Pirthi
Chand, the elder brother opposed this anointment of Guru Arjun Dev ji
vigorously and continued to oppose throughout the lifetime of guru ji.
However, according to his personality ” Nirankar Shaant Chitt Dheer, Harkh
Shok nahe Laish Ganbheer”, remained calm, peaceful, stable and tolerated his
( Pirthi Chand’s) cruel behavior. Pirthi Chand always thought of plans to
land Guru ji in trouble. When all his efforts went in vain, he begged Sulhi
Khan and Birbal to attack Guru Ji. Sulhi Khan was highly bribed by Pirthi
Chand to attack Guru ji When Guru Ji came to know the bad intentions of
Pirthi Chand, he called the congregation and consulted them. The Sikhs
passed three resolutions and demanded consent of Guru Ji. But Guru ji
disapproved all the three worldly resolutions.
first resolution was to write a letter to Sulhi Khan for a compromise. The
second resolution was to send two Sikhs Bhai Buddha Ji and Bhai Gurdas Ji to
negotiate with Sulhi Khan. The Great Guru disapproved both of the
resolutions. Then the Sikhs requested Guru Ji to give them the order to
fight against Sulhi Khan. Guru ji, who was an embodiment of tolerance and
peace, disapproved the third resolution too. Then the Sikhs asked,” What are
we going to do?”. The Great Guru ordered,” O Gursikhs ! Do Simran(Naam
Recitation) of the Almighty, who has sent Sulhi Khan. The Supreme Power
(God) himself will solve the problem.” How much intense he had in Almighty.
As on page 371 :
First, they advised me to send a letter.
Second, they advised me to send two men.
Third, they advised me to make the effort and do something.
But I have renounced everything, and I meditate only on You, God.
When with firm faith in the
Almighty he pleaded as on page 371 :
If I were to renounce You, God, unto whom could I turn ?
There is no other, comparable to You.
Khan who was marching toward Guru ji’s place with pride and an evil motive
was riding past a brick kiln when suddenly his horse jumped and Sulhi Khan
fell into the potters kiln and was burnt to ashes. This incident is
indicated in Gurbani and gives inspiration that any person who completely
surrenders to the Almighty and recites his name is helped by God. As on page
825 :
The emperor did not succeed in his plot, and he died in disgrace.
The Lord and Master raised His axe, and chopped off his head; in an instant,
was reduced to dust. ||1||
Plotting and planning evil, he was destroyed. The One who created him, gave
him a push.
Of his sons, friends and wealth, nothing remains; he departed, leaving
behind all
his brothers and relatives.
Says Nanak, I am a sacrifice to God, who fulfilled the word of His slave.
ji had immense faith in Almighty god and always preached to have faith in
one God only. In-spite of much opposition, he roamed, visited the
congregation and joined them with the Almighty. He made up his mind to
undertake the challenging task of setting up a religious center in the form
of Sri Harmander Sahib so that the entire nation could be united in one
place of worship. He got the foundation stone laid by a true devotee Muslim
saint Sa-een Miyan Meer ji on 15th
January 1588. In a short span of time, Sri Harmandar Sahib was
were and still are numerous temples or churches mosques dedicated to Gods,
Goddesses, and prophets but Harmandar Sahib (Temple of God) is the only
temple of God ( Hari-mandir means temple of god) established by Sri Guru
Arjun Dev ji. As God is Universal, so is Harmandar Sahib. It has four gates
in four directions for four castes (Khatri, Brahman, Shoodar and Vaish),
four syllable word (Waheguru) for recitation to get four blessings (Dharam,
Arth, Kaam and Moksh) for universal mankind. So this holy shrine was
constructed for the universal betterment of humanity.
great Guru Arjun Dev ji constructed and paved the Sarovar (holy tank) at
Harmandar Sahib. He also constructed various cities like Taran Taaran and
Kartarpur (Jalandhar) under his supervision. Numerous wells were dug in
various places to provide water to the masses. Many dispensaries, inns and
shelter homes for people who had leprosy were built.
biggest and noblest accomplishment of Guru ji was the writing, editing and
compilation of Adi (Guru Granth Sahib ji). This contained the Bani of his
predecessors (Guru Nanak Dev ji, Guru Angad Dev ji, Guru Amar Das ji, and
Guru Ram Das ji) and of fifteen Bhagats, Eleven Bhatts, four Gursikhs and
his own Bani. Guru Arjun Dev ji got this great task of scribing the Adi
Granth by Bhai Gurdas ji completed under his supervision and thus saved the
entity of this Divine order from being a suspicious mixture.
the entire world there is not a single religious Holy book(Granth) which has
been written or edited by the prophets, saints or seers during their own
life time. Holy books (Granths) from other religions were written sometimes
hundreds of years after the prophets have left this world, by their devotees
from their memories, thus causing great confusion and contradiction in the
religious texts.
is only one and only one Granth( Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji) which the Great
Guru Arjun Dev ji had written through the pious hands of Bhai Gurdas ji,
then edited it very carefully himself and finally carried out proof reading
of the whole text. This noble deed was accomplished on 1st
of Bhadon1661. Book binding and other necessary things were
completed within another fifteen days. Then with utmost devotion and
respect, the Holy Granth was placed on the head of Baba Buddha ji. Shri Guru
Arjun Dev ji himself waved a Whisk (chaur Sahib) over Sri Guru Granth Sahib
ji .
Granth was installed in Sri Harmandar Sahib with the congregation following
in the form of NagarKirtan( Sikh Religious Parade) from Ramsar Sahib. Baba
Buddha ji was appointed first Granthi( head priest). The Holy Maryada (code
of practice) was set up from morning to evening and an order was passed by
Guru ji that this Holy Book (Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji) is the home of the
Transcendent God. As on page 1226 :
This Holy Book is the home of the Transcendent Lord God.
Whoever sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe in the Saadh
Sangat, the Company of the Holy, has the perfect knowledge of God.
Also on page 982 :
The Word, the Bani is Guru, and Guru is the Bani. Within the Bani, the
Ambrosial Nectar is contained.
If His humble servant believes, and acts according to the Words of the
Bani, then the Guru, in person, emancipates him.
Guru ji ordered us to respect Gurbani whole heartedly, Guru ji himself set
an example of respect and said :
This (Granth) has a bigger form than me
Respect it considering it the form of the beloved lord.