Message of the six guru’s (Part-6)
Sri Guru Ram Das ji
Description of Gurbani : 679,
Shabads in 30 Raags. All are included in Sri
Guru Ram Das ji (Previous name was Bhai Jetha Ji) was born on September 24,
1534 at Choona Mandi, Lahore(Pakistan). His parents were Hardas Ji and Mata
Anoopi (Daya Kaur Ji). From early childhood he had a contemplative mood. He
was a stable, religious minded, charitable being of immense patience. He was
only 7 years old, when he first lost his mother and then father. He became
an orphan and was shelter less. His real uncles didn’t help him at all or
nor bothered to look after him. So his maternal grandmother (naani) took him
from Lahore to Basarkay (Amritsar) with her.
had one younger brother Hardial and a sister Ramdassi who needed upbringing
too. So, instead of begging from someone, he started selling boiled, salted
black chickpeas in the area to meet the needs of the family. Sometime after
the age of 16 he moved from Basarkay to Goindwal Sahib. He spent some of his
time making a living and the rest of the time he spent in the service of
Guru Ghar (Gurdwara Sahib).
to his hard and selfless service, he had made himself worthy of recognition
in the eyes of Guru Amar Das ji. One day Mata Ramo Ji said to Satguru Amar
Das ji,” O, Lord!, Bibi Bhani in now at the age to get married. Please
search for a suitable groom for her.”. Sri Guru Amar Das Ji asked her in a
natural tone,” What type of a groom should he be?” Mata Ramo pointed to Bhai
Jetha ji who was walking with a basket over his head and said,” Lord! The
groom should be like Bhai Jetha.” Sri Guru Amar Das ji replied,” Ramo only
Bhai Jetha is like himself”. Indicating that Bhai Jetha was unique and one
of a kind.
after consultation with Mata Ramo, Bibi Bhani1
was married to Bhai Jetha ji. Even after the marriage, he used
to serve at the Gurdwara just like he did before his marriage. The pride of
being a relative did not over power his mind. So he never ignored the
service of the Gurdwara.
Bhani ji was unique personality in sikh history having had the honour of
being the daughter of guru ji then being married to Guru Ram Das ji and
later the mother of Guru Arjun dev ji.
the Mughal King Akbar came to Lahore in 1566, the people of Sanatan Religion
filed many applications of complaints in the court of Akbar, alleging that
Guru ji was rejecting the caste system and thus blaspheming against their
religion. They complained that,” They recite Waheguru in place of Ram, Ram.
They don’t read Gaitri mantra and never recite Trai-kaal Sandhya prayer.
They don’t worship Brahmins. They read Gurbani and offer food to people of
all the castes and make them sit together. Such absurd, vague and irrational
complaints were heard by Akbar the Great. So he sent a message to Sri Guru
Amar Das ji to clarify and defend against the allegations. Sri Guru Amar Das
ji blessed Bhai Jetha ji and sent him to clarify the matters.
Jetha Ji (Guru Ram Das Ji) went to Lahore and stayed at Choona Mandi. The
Royal messenger came to take him to the court with due respect. Bhai Jetha
ji arrived in court. In his response about Gaitri Mantra he said,” According
to Vedic tradition, Gaitri Mantra cannot be recited in front of Malaish (low
caste people) however; Gurbani and the teachings of Guru’s are common to
all. Gaitri mantra can only be read by Brahmins , Khatri’s and Vaish.
Secondly, Gaitri is a mere description of Sun worship. On the other hand,
Guru Nanak Dev ji has awakened us, with insight and understanding about that
dimension, where so many suns and moons bow in praise of the Lord.
figure one is deliberately placed before the word Onkar to show that the
doctrine and philosophy of Guru Nanak is the worship of one and only one
God, Allah, who is Unique. Sanskrit language has been abandoned because the
general public cannot understand it. Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji has given his
Divine teachings to the masses in their own language so that they can
understand and benefit from it”. Bhai Jetha ji also said that people have
created the caste-system so that only one class i.e. that of Brahmins can
rule and dominate other classes. But Gurmat(Sikh way of life) does not
accept caste by birth, rather it is a person’s deeds and actions that
defines whether one is high or low in society. As on page 1330 :
That is your social class and that is your status - the karma of what you
of pilgrimage are not Holy or Sacred due to the water or vegetation there.
They are holy because Holy men have meditated in Simran (remembrance) there.
Where ever a being who meditates upon Naam lives, that becomes a pilgrimage.
Guru ji says so on page 687 :
Why should I bathe at sacred shrines of pilgrimage ?
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is the sacred shrine of pilgrimage.
My sacred shrine of pilgrimage is spiritual wisdom within,
and contemplation on the Word of the Shabad
(House of Guru) teaches us to love God and humanity, which is created by
Him. As this mutual love increases, souls experience bliss.
Jetha ji in one of his answers told Akbar(Mughal King) that, “You people
recite Trai-Kaal (past, present and future) sandhya prayer only in the
evenings but Gurmat(Sikh way of life) teaches presence of Almighty
throughout the day and night. By reciting naam (pray) any time of the day,
the pleasure of God’s presence can be felt by anyone. Guru Nanak Dev ji has
condemned Idol worship. An idol is situated at only one place, Almighty is
at every place, at every time. An idol is the creation of a man. Gurmat
forbids the worship of creation, on the contrary it strongly advocates the
worship of the Creator”. As on page 43 :
O my mind, praise the Creator.
Give up all your clever tricks, and
fall at the Feet of the Guru.
compassionate is the real worship of God’s or goddess’s. To be truthful and
to shun falsehood is the real fast (not eating anything on a special day).
Having knowledge from the Guru and molding one’s life accordingly purifies
the soul. To see the light of Allah (God) in everybody , not to hurt the
feelings of anyone is the biggest worship. Guru Ghar (Gurdwara) gives
respect to everybody but Brahmins consider everybody else inferior to
themselves. The selfish and the greedy run after money but Guru ji doesn’t
even save anything for the next meal because he has faith in God and
destiny”, explained Bhai Jetha. Every one was silenced
after hearing these answers from Bhai Jetha Ji. No body had any further
questions to ask. Akbar the Great ordered openly in court : “Parmasher Darwaysh jeh
dou-oo, Nahi bhaid eako eh so-ou”( meaning there is no difference between
Allah and this Saint. They seemed to be two, but actually they are one). Akbar addressed everybody
and told them that there is no use arguing with this saint. He said, He is the type who is a
hermit of God. One cannot question them. There is no difference
between God and his saints. What if one has read the veda’s.
Jetha ji returned to Goindwal Sahib after silencing everybody by God’s and
with the grace of Great Guru. The Great Guru Amar Das ji blessed him with so
many blessings. As ordered on page 968 :
Blessed, blessed is Guru Raam Daas;
He who created You, has also exalted You.
Bhani ji is a unique personality in History who is blessed by being a
daughter of a Guru(Guru Amar Das ji), wife of a Guru(Guru Ram Das Ji) and
mother of a Guru(Guru Arjun Dev Ji). According to Bansawali Nama :
she didn’t think she was guru ji’s relative,
just kept the desire of service in her heart
She had no cleverness, nor mischievous or mocking
She had love of service for the guru’s feet
Without the gur she sees no else
For 28 years she served guru without considering him as a father in law
Ji had eradicated his desire for high public opinion, the human body and
tribal mentality from his mind. He had to hear many taunts and remarks, but
he never lost his composure. He served gur Amar Das ji for 24 years form the
core of his heart and Guru Amar Das ji was eventually pleased. Guru Amar Das
ji was so delighted over his selfless service, that he gave Guru Ram Das ji
the responsibility of Guruship on 8-30-1574 and left for his heavenly abode.
Guru Ram Das ji had to carry out all sorts of duties and responsibilities.
He had to face many hardships and opposition but he always remained in the
field of forgiveness and patience leaving behind only foot prints of
great Guru stated ,” We are not to take revenge, there is no bigger penance
than patience, there is no bigger pleasure than contentment. There is no
bigger evil than greed. There is no bigger virtue than compassion or mercy.
There is no bigger weapon than forgiveness. As one sows, So he must reap.”
further said,” If we too oppose them, then what is the difference between
them and us? We should ask for the well-being of all. Who ever entertains
enmity with those who have no enmity within, carries the load of all the
sins of the world. As on page 307 :
One who hates the One who has no hatred, shall bear the load of all the sins
of the world on his head.
And :
Anyone who directs hate against the One who has no hate, shall never be
satisfied within.
The True Guru wishes everyone well; how can anything bad happen to Him ?
attaining the Guruship, the great Guru dispersed his divine knowledge in the
form of 679 shabads which are entered in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji. He
recited the Bani of Lavan (marriage Ceremony) and thus established the
institution of Anand Karaj( Marriage). He recited Bani for the daily routine
in Gauri Raag on page 305-306 :
One who calls himself a Sikh of the Guru, the True Guru, shall rise in the
morning hours and meditate on the Lord's Name.
Upon arising early in the morning, he is to bathe, and cleanse himself in
pool of nectar. Following the Instructions
of the Guru, he is to chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. All sins,
misdeeds and negativity shall be erased. Then, at the rising of the
sun, he is to sing Gurbani; whether sitting down or
standing up, he is to meditate on the Lord's Name. One who meditates on my
Lord, Har, Har, with every breath and every morsel of food - that GurSikh
becomes pleasing to the Guru's Mind. That person, unto whom my
Lord and Master is kind and compassionate -upon that GurSikh, the Guru's
Teachings are bestowed. Servant Nanak begs for the
dust of the feet of that GurSikh, who himself chants the Naam, and inspires
others to chant ||2||.