38. Message of the six guru’s (Part-3)
Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji
Description : 62 Shaloks ( All are registered in Sri Guru
Granth Sahib)
Missions : The principles and teachings of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji were
Preached diligently and vigorously. Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji got the Janam
Sakhi( Biography) of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji written and thus he preserved and
paved the way for the history of the Great Guru. The Gurmukhi Script
(Punjabi alphabet) was refined and the letters were given a phonetic form.
The tradition of wrestling and arenas (Mull Akhara) was propagated for
improving physical strength. To enhance the preaching of Sikh scripture and
spiritual education, schools (Pathshaala) were opened for worldly knowledge
and education. Sri
Guru Arjun Dev ji ( Previous name Lehna) was born on 3-31-1504 in the house
of Baba Feru Mull ji and Mata Daya Kaur Ji, at village Mattay de saran,
District Muktsar. From his very childhood, he was deeply religious. He used
to offer free water (Shabeel) and free Langar (community kitchen) to the
pedestrians and hungry saints and thus receive their blessings. He helped
his father in his business of shoe making.
the very beginning of his life, he had a yearning, a desire to be one with
the Almighty (Ko-yee aan milaa-way meraa Pritam Piyara meaning can anyone
come and help me meet our beloved lord). In order to achieve this, he used
to go to the Goddess Jwala ji, by leading a religious group of disciples of
the goddess every year. He was influenced by Sanatan Dharam (ancient
religion) during this period of his life. It was a common belief of that
religion that Mata Ji (Goddess) fulfilled every desire of her devotees.
after hearing the greatness and grandeur of Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji, he made
up his mind to meet Great guru Nanak dev ji enroute to the Goddess (Mata)
temple by passing through Kartarpur. The Divine Personality of Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji left such a deep impact on him that he became totally devoted
to the Great Guru. He ended up staying there and left that religious group
of Sanatan Religion for ever.
Lehna Ji stayed in the shelter and presence of Guru Nanak Dev ji for eight
years and he did unique and very hard service for the Great Guru. As Sri
Guru Nanak Dev Ji was an expert teacher, he taught Baba Lehna Ji about the
highest degree of spiritualism and molded his personality practically to
achieve this highest state of being. Then
the expert teacher tested Baba Lehna Ji’s personality 19 times. When Baba
Lehna Ji passed through these tests with flying colors and lived up to the
satisfaction of the Great Guru Nanak Dev Ji, then Guru Nanak Dev Ji during
his own life time blessed the Guruship to Bhai Lehna Ji by bowing to him and
giving his own place of a Guru. This has been explained in Gurbani as
Ramkali ke vaar on page 966-967 :
The Guru bowed down
to His disciple, while Nanak was
still alive. The King, while still alive, applied the
ceremonial mark to his forehead. ||1|| Guru Nanak tested
His Sikhs and His sons, and everyone saw
what happened. When Lehna alone
was found to be pure, then He was set on the throne. ||4|| During his life
time he waved the canopy of Guru seat on the head of Lahina (Guru Angad) and
merged his own light into him. Guru Nanak now
transformed himself.
(Bhai Gurdas Var 1,
Pauri 45)
the very first meeting with Bhai Lehna Ji, the divine, deeply penetrating
vision of Great Guru Nanak Dev Ji had started giving hints of Guruship and
his successor ship to Baba Lehna Ji. Guru Nanak Ji said to Bhai Lehna ji on
his first visit to him,” O! Man ! What is your name?” Bhai Lehna Ji
replied,” Ji, Lehna( literally means a person who gets his dues back). Guru
Nanak Dev Ji said,” Lehnadaar always come on horseback, You are Lehnadaar(
to receive) and I owe you.” Because in the first meeting with Sri Guru Nanak
Dev Ji, Bhai Lehna Ji was riding a horse when he asked about the whereabouts
of Guru Nanak Dev Ji from Guru Nanak Dev Ji himself).
that, one day Bhai Lehna came to see Guru Nanak Dev Ji with a lump of salt(
Bag) on his head at Kartarpur. Guru ji was not there at Dharmsaal(Gurdwara).
So Bhai Lehna ji went straight to the fields where Guru Nanak Dev ji was
working. After bowing respectfully to Guru Ji, he started to do the task
which Guru Ji was doing. Guru Ji was weeding the plants of rice. Bhai Lehna
ji began digging out the rice plants along with the weeds. On seeing it,
Satguru Ji smiled and said,” O man! You are not to dig out plants, rather
you are to plant the plants.”
the way home, Guru Nanak Dev ji put a load of grassy weeds which were
drenched with mud and water on the head of Bhai Lehna ji. His costly dress
was spoiled with stains of mud and water. Mata Sulakhni ji asked Guru Nanak
Dev ji,” He is meek and gentle, who has never carried any load. Why did you
put such a heavy load on his head, moreover his expensive dress is spoiled. Guru
Ji said,” Oh! Sulakhni, This is not a load. It is a canopy for the world of
religion and society. On his dress, there are no stains of mud. These are
stains of saffron which we have showered on him. Look at him from within,
not from outside.” These were the hints which developed into its complete
form with the lapse of time. In the mornings and late evenings, Bhai Lehna
ji used to preach the religious sermons in the congregation (Sangat). For
physical strength and vigor, wrestling matches were arranged in the
afternoons, where Guru Ji (Guru Angad Dev Ji) used to watch and supervise
the wrestling arenas and games of the children in which he also took part.
the whole day, Langar (Free Food) was served without any discrimination.
Everybody was made to sit in the Pangat (row) and Langar was served
regardless of any status. Delicious and nutritious foods (rice pudding with
butter, sacred parshad) were prepared daily. This is implied clearly in the
vaar of Satta jiand Balwand. Mata Khivi Ji (Guru Ji’ s wife ) herself used
to serve and supervise every thing in the Langar as Ramkali ki Vaar on Page
Balwand says that
Khivi, the Guru's wife, is a noble woman, who gives soothing,
leafy shade to all. She distributes the
bounty of the Guru's Langar; the kheer - the
rice pudding and ghee
kitchen always has ghee and flour to eat.e, is like sweet ambrosia.
Angad Dev ji developed and established 35 letters of Gurmukhi Script or
alphabet to preserve Gurbani and history in the mother tongue. In his
leisure time he would teach Gurmukhi to the students and write Gurmukhi
booklets of alphabets and distribute them free of cost, so that the script
of the mother tongue could flourish and progress. Bhai Balla ji was called
and Janam Sakhi (life history) of Guru Nanak Ji was scribed by him.
Angad Dev ji was very care-free and indifferent personality. Once Muslim
king Humayoun came to have the glimpses of Guru Ji, But Guru Ji didn’t pay
special attention to him. Humayoun took it as an act of humiliation. He
unsheathed his sword to attack Guru Ji. Guru Angad Dev ji smiled and
answered,” Humayoun! Where you should have fought with this sword as a
warrior, you ran from the battlefield as a coward. Now you want to dominate
over the Saints with your sword.” Humayoun felt very low and begged for
pardon. ( Humayoun had run from battle with Sher shah Suri)
religion which was founded by Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji, was made unique in its
form of living, saying, doing, tolerating and forming new principles as
hinted by Bhai Gurdas ji in vaar 1st Pauri 45 as :
In the world, he established the authority (of his doctrines) and started a
religion, devoid of any impurity (niramal panth).
(Vaar, 1 Pauri
Through (the
power of the word) Shabad he conquered the Sidhs and propounded his
altogether new way of life.
(Vaar 1, Pauri
path of guru Nanak dev ji was preached and expanded with utmost devotion and
vigor by Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji. Then Guru Angad Dev ji directed his
successor Sri Guru Amar Das ji to do the same. Exactly the same way Sri Guru
Amar Das ji handed over this huge task of preaching and expanding religion
on to Sri Guru Ram Das ji as Swayias on page 140
Lehnaa established
the path of righteousness and Dharma, which He passed on
to Guru Amar Daas, of the Bhalla dynasty. Then, He firmly
established the Great Ram Daas of the Sodhi dynasty. He was blessed with
the inexhaustible treasure of the Lord's Name.
the company of Guru Angad Dev ji, many devotees received blessings and were
privileged to live an emancipated life. They became a source for others to
follow. Bhai Gurdas ji has written very clearly in his vaar 1 pauri 15:
A sikh of high
order (paramhans) Bhai Paro was there of Julka caste on whom the Guru was full
of grace. Sikh named Mallu
was very brave and Bhai Kedara was a great devotee. I am sacrifice unto
Bhai Dev , Bhai Naryan Das, Bhai Bula and Bhai Dipa. Bhai Lalu, Bhai
Durga and Jivanda were gems among the wisemen and, all three were
altruists. Jagga and Dharani
subcaste and Sansaru was one with the formless Lord. Khanu and Mayya
were father and son and Govind of Bhandari caste was an appreciator of the
meritorious ones. Jodh, the cook,
served the Guru and swam across the world ocean. The perfect Guru
maintained their honour.
an attractive and action oriented personality was Guru Angad Dev ji that who
ever got his glimpse, got ready to sacrifice everything for him. His
glimpses had capacity to purify the dirt of many births. Bhai Balwand Ji has
stated in ramkali ki Vaar on P. 967 :
Beholding your
vision the filth of sins from numerous births is dispelled
Bhatt too from his personal experience has recorded Gurbani which exhibits a
divine personality of Guru Angad Dev ji as on page 1392,Swayia mahala doojay
ke :
Grace, You
eradicate all wickedness, sin and filth. Sexual desire,
anger, greed and emotional attachment - You have overcome
all these powerful passions. Your mind is filled
with peace forever; You banish the
sufferings of the world. The Guru is the
river of the nine treasures, washing off the dirt of our lives. So speaks TuLLH the
poet: serve the Guru, day and night, with
intuitive love and affection. Gazing upon the
Blessed Vision of the Guru, the pains of death
and rebirth are taken away. ||10||
Angad Dev ji has contributed 62 shaloks of divine knowledge in Sri Guru
Granth Sahib ji. He was a symbol of politeness. When yogis came to see him
at Khadoor Sahib, they questioned him,” What extra-ordinary quality did you
have that even the Great Guru Nanak to whom the world bowed to; bowed before
you? He gave you Guruship by bowing before you.”
Angad Dev ji answered,” Oh Sidhs! Neither did I have extra-ordinary quality
then, nor do I have now. The bowing of the Great Guru Nanak Dev ji was just
like that of a mother who bows down to fetch her besmeared baby into her
lap.” Such
an embodiment of humility, politeness, sweetness, tolerance, patience and
light-house of super natural powers left for his heavenly abode on March 29,
1552 at Khadoor Sahib leaving behind foot prints of Sewa (selfless service),
simran (meditation), and per-upkar ( benevolence).
handed over the Guruship to Sri Guru Amar Das Ji before his heavenly
departure and thus made him the successor and custodian of Guru Nanak’s
mission. According to Balwand ji’s ramkali ki vaar page 968 :
The same mark on
the forehead, the same throne, and the same Royal
Court. Just like the
father and grandfather, the son is approved.
And also on page 1408 :
Guru Angad showed
His Mercy, and established Amar Daas as the True Guru.
the light of Sri Guru Angad Dev ji became radiant and visible in Sri Guru
Amar Das ji.