31. Miss Pearl S. Buck,
Noble prizewinner
Pearl. S. Buck a renowned Nobel Prize winner writes in praise of Guru Granth
Sahib ji that it is a unique text which depicts and relates mankinds
spiritual longing, divine aspirations and union with the almighty.
writes, ”Whoever has studied or listened to Guru Granth sahib ji undoubtedly
obtains guidelines to live a rejuvenated life of spiritual poise and
fulfillment. Western scientists who seek the truth through experiment only
have been obliged to accept and acknowledge the truth that is contained
within Guru Granth Sahib ji”.
further writes,”I have studied the scriptures of the great religions, but I
do not find anywhere else the same power of appeal to the heart and mind as
I find here in these volumes. They are compact in spite of their length and
are a revelation of the Concept of God.
is something strangely modern about these scriptures and this puzzled me
until I learned that they are in fact comparatively modern, compiled as late
as the 16th
when explorers were beginning to discover that the globe upon which we all
live is a single entity divided only by arbitrary lines of our making.
Perhaps this sense of unity is the source of power I find in these volumes.
They speak to a person of any religion or of none. They speak for the human
heart and the searching mind”.