23. Bhai Veer Singh Ji
Sahib Bhai Veer Singh ji, the fore-father of Gurmat literature, and
spiritual soul attuned with the great Guru, who based his practical life on
Naam and Gurbani, writes about Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji as :-
“Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji , the light of Ten
Gurus is the pure divine knowledge of “Waheguru”. It is a constant movement,
form, tune and a figureless figure. It has numerous waves of separation,
purity, sensation, knowledge, service, devotion, love and devotional
worship. It contains uninterrupted music, poetic pleasure, light,
asceticism, and eternal bliss. This is the heart of Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji,
his history and divine knowledge and thus is,” His Form”.