21. Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Points to
the Nature of the Universe
Gurbani is an inspiration to merge with the ultimate truth, it also shows
the way to become truthful. In it, the truth has been praised; explaining
the state of true persons. Those who lie have been condemned and cursed. As
scientific instruments to unravel the mysteries of nature had not been
invented yet, mankind due to its ignorance and lack of knowledge had
developed false notions and conceptions about the world around them.
Great Guru with his divine vision, logically, brought forth the reality
before human beings and tried to eliminate darkness and ignorance from their
lives. For
instance, in those days people used to worship the sun and the moon as Gods.
They believed that there was nothing beyond three heavens, others believed
in fourteen heavens. They believed there was only one earth at the centre of
the universe and all other celestial bodies moved around it.
Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji dared to bring forward the reality in his first
written Bani of Japji Sahib, that there is not just one sun, moon, earth or
planet. There are numerous planets, suns and earths, countless beyond
numbers. The creation of the almighty is limitless. Guru ji clearly stated
in Japji on page 7 :
So many Indras, so many moons and suns, so many worlds and lands.
So many worlds and lands for working out
karma. So very many lessons to be learned !
are not only fourteen heavens or skies, they are millions and billions and
cannot be counted. They are up to infinity. As on page 5 in Japji :
There are nether worlds beneath nether worlds, and hundreds of thousands of heavenly worlds
above. The Vedas say that you can search
and search for them all, until you grow weary
creation of the infinite cannot be confined to a certain limit. The
invention of atomic devices, missiles, rockets etc is a relatively recent
development. Even fifty to sixty years ago, no body could even think of such
devices. None the less, the great Guru’s clearly mentioned these atomic
devices five hundred years ago and ordered that although a human being may
be capable of traveling at great speed through space in atomic powered
vehicles to the different planets and space, yet he will not find inner
bliss. Spiritual pleasure inside can only be achieved by coming to Guru’s
shelter. On page 1360 of Guru Granth Sahib ji :
Even if the mortal could reduce himself to the
size of an atom, and shoot through the ethers, worlds and realms in the blink of an eye, O Nanak, without the Holy Saint, he shall not
be saved.
(Theory of Darwin) regarding the possible creation of all living life and
species came to the world a few years ago. Sat Guru Nanak Dev Ji
enthusiastically stated in his Bani 500 years ago that, from the true God
(creator), gaseous masses (wind, gas, pawan) were produced from the
homologous atmosphere resembling a fog. This Gaseous mass condensed and gave
birth to water and liquids. From water, eventually life was born which
resulted in the entire human race coming into existence. God, the
omnipotent, and omniscient is present in every minute object of nature. Guru
ji orders on page 19 :
From the True Lord came the air, and from the air came water. From water, He created the three worlds; in each and every heart He has infused His
couple of centuries ago wise persons agreed that earth is stationary. The
sun and the moon are revolves around the earth. But the great Guru Nanak Dev
ji stated it centuries ago that the sun, the moon, the earth, the planets
move millions of miles. Modern science admits now that not only the earth
moves around the sun that infact even the stars like the sun move too. As on
page 464 :
In the Fear of God, the sun shines, and in the Fear of God, the moon reflects. They travel millions of miles, endlessly.