20. What is the Subject Matter of Sri
Guru Granth Sahib ji ?
subject matter in the entire Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji is neither history nor
mythology, nor rituals or modes of worshipping; rather it is a definite
condemnation of illusions, fallacy, superstitions and rituals. One and only
one thing is there, the truth and its attributes. It has answers to
questions like…
1. What is the truth ?
2. What is the form of truth ?
3. What are the various methods of
finding the truth ?
4. What is the state of being of those
who have attained the truth ?
5. What is the state of being of those
who have not acquired the truth ?
6. What are the obstacles in achieving
the truth ? How can they be Removed ?
Gurbani inspires and directs a mortal to become a truthful and complete
personality. Though the verse of Gurbani is very long, yet no weariness or
tiredness is felt when it is read continuously. On the contrary, it gives
constant joy and bliss that leads us to sit in the divine lap of our lord.
It kills the agony of jealousy, rivalry and egoism. It provides mental peace
and bliss. So Guru Arjun Dev Ji has stated in Raag Mahala on page 103 :
The Word of Your Bani, Lord, is Ambrosial
Nectar. Hearing it again and again, I am elevated to the supreme heights. The burning within me has been extinguished, and my mind has been cooled and soothed, by the Blessed Vision of the True Guru. ||1||
is a constant flowing spring of nectar. It is tinged in Godly colors and
costumes. Whoever joins with it is automatically dyed in its own colors.
glimpses of the Almighty are possible only through Gurbani. It provides us
heavenly touch, eternal peace and everlasting bliss. The recitation of
Gurbani leads a mortal to complete unison with the creator. Even messengers
of death cannot come near a person who recites and reads Gurbani. So we must
always keep Gurbani in the core of our heart. Guru Arjun Dev ji orders us in
Raag Aasa on Page 404 :
My Beloved has brought
forth a river of nectar. The Guru has not held it back from my mind,
even for an instant. ||1||Pause|| Beholding it, and touching it, I am sweetened and delighted. It is imbued with the Creator's Love. ||1|| Chanting it even for a moment, I rise to the Guru; meditating on it, one is not trapped by the Messenger of Death. The Lord has placed it as a garland around
Nanak's neck, and within his heart. ||2|