Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji as A Storehouse of Language & Verse
ancient scriptures are in the form of stories and prose. A few of them that
are in poetry form stand no parallel to the verse of Sri Guru Granth Sahib
ji and cannot even be compared to it. The language of Gurbani in Sri Guru
Granth Sahib ji is not only the contemporary language of the saints of that
time, but it also stores immense vocabulary and words of regional languages
such as Brij, Hindi, Bhatt Bhasha, Lehndi, Punjabi, Rekhta(mixture of
Persian, Arabic and Turkish), Arabic, Persian and so many other languages.
great Guru's and Bhagats gave their divine teachings to the masses in their
own languages that they could understand, without any discrimination and
thus joined them to God. Satguru Ji used popular and local dialects and set
them to musical melodies of folk songs and tunes as a base and wrote Gurbani
in these tunes so that people were blessed with knowledge about true
religion in an accessible format. Popular musical measures and verses used
in Gurbani are :