The Belief (faith) of Sikhism
to the belief of Sikhism, Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji is the embodiment and
spiritual light of the Ten Masters. The Guru's are giving and will continue
to give spiritual guidance and advice on well being to all those seeking
this knowledge. Gurbani is the purest form of Divine knowledge from God. Sri
Guru Granth Sahib ji is almighty god's (Waheguru) constant divine melody
expressing his order and will (hukam).
depicts the obvious aspect of the formless creator who is beyond description
or attributes of colour, caste, form, direction or measurement of any form.
A constant stream of noble, godly virtues is flowing out of it and is
calling upon every curious learner to acquire and utilize these pious
Guru Granth Sahib ji is a treasure source of eternal peace and bliss,
radiating its waves of peace, without discrimination, to all spiritual
seekers alike. It contains the divine message and the command of God
almighty on how to meet God, imbibe love for him, serene awe, crystalline
divine knowledge, devotional reverence, devoted meditation, selfless
service, benevolence, high moral character.
Guru Granth Sahib ji is a constant melodious stream of Holy poetic music. It
is an invaluable treasure of spiritual bliss of the soul, and joy of merging
with Almighty. It is the heart and extraordinary holy history of the dear
Bhagats and the great Guru's. Whoever wants to study and analyze the inner
feelings of the Bhagats and the Great Guru's, should read Sri Guru Granth
Sahib ji with the deep love and devotion.
a person will surely get glimpses of the Great Guru's and Bhagats. Sri Guru
Granth Sahib ji is a clear vision of Almighty God himself. Knowledge
pertaining to God is purely depicted through the egoless, pious hearts of
Bhagats and Guru's, just as an image is formed in a clear mirror.
Guru Granth Sahib ji is the embodiment of our great Waheguru and pure pious
knowledge regarding our lord. It does not carry even a bit of contamination
of wealth. Gurbani purifies a learner's heart and soul from the effects of
Maya (mammon). True Gurbani has the capacity to merge a mortal with the
As Suhi Mahala third on page 754 :
Waaho! Waaho! Blessed,
blessed is the Word of the Perfect Guru's Bani. It wells up and springs
forth from the Perfect Guru, and merges into Truth.
recited this Gurbani achieved eternal spiritual stability and emancipation.
The great Guru order as on page 1075 :
Those who meditate on it,
are all emancipated; they attain the eternal and
unchanging home. ||8||
is the form of Almighty Himself. Gurbani and the beloved lord are the same
and vice-verse. It is also true as in Salok Mahala third page 515 :
Waaho! Waaho! is
the Bani, the Word, of the Formless Lord. There is no other as great as He
For a Gursikh, the base of his life is Gurbani.
As Page 759 :
I have the Support of the
Word of the Guru's Bani. Attached to Gurbani, I
survive. ||8||