Praise of Gurbani
as the greatness of God cannot be described in words, the greatness of
Gurbani (Form of God) too, cannot be put into words. In Praise of Gurbani,
Satguru Sri Ram Das ji has ordered that Gurbani is a divine sermon from god
and is thus the personification of God. Who ever joins himself with Gurbani;
He is automatically joined with God Almighty. As stated on page 304 of Guru
Granth Sahib Ji as :
The Word of the True Guru's
Bani is the embodiment of Truth; through Gurbani, one
becomes perfect.
Guru Arjun Dev Ji has greeted Gurbani as 'Dhur Ki Bani' (A Divine Order from
God). A mortal becomes worry free when he is connected with this divine
order from the court of god, which is free of worry. As on page 628(Guru
Granth Sahib) Raag Sorath :
The Bani of His Word
emanated from the Primal Lord It eradicates all anxiety. The Lord is merciful, kind
and compassionate. Nanak chants the Naam, the
Name of the True Lord.
Guru Nanak Dev ji respectfully declared this bani as "Khasam Kee Bani"
(Words of the beloved lord). As stated on page 722 (Guru Granth Sahib) :
As the Word of the
Forgiving Lord comes to me, so do I express it, O Lalo.
And as page 763 :
By myself, I do not even
know how to speak; I speak all that the Lord
Guru Arjun Dev ji described Bani (God's order) that, " O Mortals, God is
omnipotent, omnipresent, and all pervasive and so is this order (Bani). The
Great guru's had heard it themselves and proclaimed it with their own pious
tongue. Who so ever has heard and recited this divine order with
concentration has achieved liberation. These lucky folks have achieved
spiritual stability forever. As stated on page 1075 :
The Word of the Guru's Bani
is contained in all. He Himself hears it, and He
Himself repeats it. Those who meditate on it,
are all emancipated; they attain the eternal and
unchanging home.
Also on page 935 Ramkali mahala :
How rare are those who
contemplate the Word of the Guru's Bani; they become Gurmukh. This is the Bani of the
Supreme Being; through it, one dwells
within the home of his inner being.
Guru Arjun Dev ji orders in Gauri Raag,"SadhSangat Ji (Congregation); we are
very lucky to have this valuable treasure of divine knowledge. Any person
who is spiritually associated with this treasure will mingle with Almighty.
This treasure of Braham Gyan (Divine knowledge) cannot be bought with
diamonds, gems or pearls.
it lessens the wealth of the world, but this treasure of Gurbani is
limitless and endless. On the contrary, this treasure expands by spending
it. Only few blessed one's can benefit from it. Spiritual gains can be
achieved by a loved one with the grace of God only". It is clearly mentioned
in Raag Gauri Page 185 :
I am prosperous and
fortunate, for I have received the
True Name. I sing the Glorious Praises
of the Lord, with natural, intuitive
ease. ||1||Pause|| When I opened it up and
gazed upon the treasures of my father and grandfather, then my mind
became very happy. ||1|| The storehouse is
inexhaustible and immeasurable, overflowing with priceless
jewels and rubies. ||2|| The Siblings of Destiny
meet together, and eat and spend but these resources do not
diminish; they continue to increase. ||3| Says Nanak, one who has
such destiny written on his forehead, becomes a partner in these
writer of Adi Granth Sahib, Bhai Gurdas ji, by virtue of his complete unison
with the Great Guru, showed the importance of Gurbani by writing numerous
Pauris (stanzas) and Swayias. If we study only one Swayia, the importance of
Gurbani can be known easily. He has given three worldly examples. The
first example is that there are so many costly stones like diamonds, rubies,
and emeralds stored in the sea but only deep sea-divers by their hard work
can get them.
example is that the mountains are full of costly metals and minerals (gold,
silver, Platinum, diamonds, and touch stone etc.), but only hard working
miners by their constant struggle can have them. These people become
wealthier and thus show the importance and precious nature of these rare
commodities to the rest of the world.
third example is that the forests are full of very costly herbs, timber
trees, fragrant plants and therapeutic bushes(Chandan, Sauda, Kapoor etc.),
but hard working perfume makers not only become wealthy but distribute
fragrances to the entire world as well.
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is full of so many spiritual treasures of this
world and the next world; Gurbani is the donor of four major boons for
fulfillment; Dharma(Religion), Arth(Money), Kaam(Passion) and Mokh(salvation).
However, only curious learners who speculate, discover, contemplate and act
on Gurbani get theses treasures. As in Swayias, Bhai Gurdas Ji says :
is the true form of the Guru. There is a need for people to put Gurbani into
practical shape in their life. Those who obey the guru's commandments,
benefit greatly in this world and the next.
to Gurmat (Teachings of Gurmat), a physical body is not recognized as the
Guru. A Guru is purely "divine knowledge" and this "divine Knowledge" is
revealed through word. The source through which this "divine word" comes
into being is a body. Sometimes, as human beings we remain clinging to the
source, considering it as a Guru. If we cling to a physical guru we cannot
reach its pure form of knowledge, " divine word" or what in Gurmat is called
"Naam". In order to overcome this basic error, the Great Guru, Sri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji has repeatedly emphasized and guided us as on page 943 :
The Shabad is the Guru,
upon whom I lovingly focus my consciousness; I am the chaylaa, the di
Ram Das ji has ordered that only Bani is the Guru of a Sikh. The complete
existence of Guru is within Gurbani. Gurbani is the form of Amrit (sweetened
consecrated water administered in Khalsa ceremony). A Gursikh who recites
Gurbani from the core of his heart with love and devotion and does whatever
it orders, the Great Guru unquestionably helps him in crossing this worldly
ocean. As on page 982 :
The Word, the Bani is Guru,
and Guru is the Bani.Within the Bani, the
Ambrosial Nectar is contained. If His humble servant
believes, and acts according to the
Words of the Guru's Bani,
then the Guru, in person,
emancipates him.
Bhai Pirtha and Bhai Khera Soni, who were traders, went to Sat Guru Nanak
Dev Ji at Kartarpur. As they sat in the congregation, they achieved mental
concentration of Naam. Guru Nanak Dev Ji said, "Bhai
Pirtha and Khera, what do you desire?"
of them requested with folded hands," O! True Guru, we wish that the quest
for worldly materials be vanished from within. We wish to remain under your
shelter and desire to see you forever.
Ji replied, "Bhai Pirtha and Bhai Khera! I am always within the
congregation. You should serve the saints and the Gursikhs. Regularly go to
Dharamsaala (Gurdwara) in the morning and in the evening. Do not feel that
there is any difference between Guru and God. Shabad is my consciousness. If
we unite ourselves with it, we will never be separated. A body is a physical
entity. If we are all attached to it, the cycle of meeting and separation
will continue". So keeping in mind the
respect for physical entity, we should try to achieve eternal spiritual
bliss by merging with ethereal knowledge form of Shabad that is Gurbani.
has blessed us with a heavenly diet in the form of Gurbani. It contains the
truth, contentment, noble thoughts and the name of God. A person who keeps
all these things in mind constantly (Nitt Nitt Rakh Urdharo) will find that
no worldly ignorance can harm them. His spirit will mingle with Shabad Guru
and he will cross this world ocean (Maya) easily. He will visualize
everything as the form of God's creation. As Satguru Arjun Dev Ji orders on
page 1429 :
Upon this Plate, three
things have been placed: Truth, Contentment and
Contemplation. The Ambrosial Nectar of the
Naam, the Name of our Lord and
Master, has been placed upon it as well; it is the Support of all. One who eats it and enjoys
it shall be saved. This thing can never be
forsaken; keep this always and
forever in your mind. The dark world-ocean is
crossed over, by grasping the Feet of
the Lord; O Nanak, it is all the
extension of God. ||1||