
57. The Jat Demand Pay
So long as the Guru
was at Anandpur it was never found necessary to pay the disciples for
service rendered. Men and women, highly respected in society, considered it
an act of merit to perform even the meanest duties in the Guru's household.
When war was proclaimed against him the disciples ran to him, armed and
equipped at their own expense and provided with sufficient stores and
ammunition for their use. But when the Guru was
compelled to leave Anandpur and retire to Malwa the uncertainty of his
movements made it difficult for the disciples, in the remote provinces, to
make themselves useful to him. 'He had thenceforward to depend mostly on the
Malwa Jats. When he found it necessary to raise an army in Malwa to oppose
the advance of the Imperial forces under the Subah of Sirhind he had, for
the first time, to introduce the system of paid service. His resources, at
this time, were, however, not considerable. The pay of the men fell in
arrears. The result was that they became turbulent and refractory and, if a
disciple from the North-West frontier had not timely arrived, with a mule
load of gold and silver coins, it would have been difficult to maintain
discipline. The trouble being thus over the paid troops were immediately
disbanded. Only a small number of disciples remained who formed a volunteer
force, under Dan Singh, .a devoted follower, resident of a village in the
neighborhood of Kot Bhai, in the Ferozepore district.
