
56. The Battle of Mukatsar
The defence of the
pass of Thermopylae
by a small band of Spartans
under Leonidas is not more proudly and more gratefully remembered by
Hellenic peoples than the gallantry which these forty men displayed in
opposing the progress of thousands of disciplined warriors in an open
country, wanting even in a pretence of defence. There is no Sikh home, no
Sikh temple, where, up to this day, the Sikh devotee does not admiringly
remember the "Forty Saved Ones". The story is pathetically told that when after
the retreat of the royal army the Guru visited the place of action he saw
mother Bhago, prince Zorawar Singh's nurse, washing her wounds. She it was
that had taunted the men for their previous defection. She it was that had
brought them back to atone for their sin by offering their lives for their
country and their Guru and had led the attack on the advancing foe. Among
the heaps of the slain the Guru recognised his disciples. Lifting them, one by one, and placing their
heads on his thigh, he wiped their faces with his kerchief, kissed them,
calling them by their names and praising them for their unprecedented valour,
as if they were alive and were hearing his loving remembrances. While he was
thus engaged his hands fell upon one Mahan Singh in whom life was not yet
extinct. The man's delight knew no bounds at the sight of the Saviour
holding him in his embrace. The Guru, too, was equally filled with joy at
the opportunity thus afforded of exchanging a few words with one of the
devoted hand of heroes. He enquired if the dying man had a wish which he
desired to be fulfilled. " Unite the broken tie " was the reply. He believed
the Guru to be the image of the Most High and Just. As the Providence
forgave penitent sinners, he prayed that the Guru might be graciously
pleased to forgive him and his comrades for their having abandoned him at
Anandpur. The Saviour was moved to tears. Forthwith he
took out the " Bedava " from his pocket and tore it into pieces, thus
convincing the dying hero that the signatories to the document were
thenceforward forgiven. Mahan Singh shed tears of joy and expired in the
Guru's lap. No wonder, then, that the spot should have been, thereafter,
remembered Muktsar (Tank of Salvation) and should have become one of the
chief places of pilgrimage.
