
50. Ghani Khan and Nabi Khan
Meantime Ghani Khan and Nabi Khan, Rohilla Pathans, who were the masters
of the garden, and from whom the Guru had purchased horses several
times, arrived at the spot. Seeing him in such a plight they were moved
to tears and then and there vowed that they would do all in their power
to serve him and would die with him, if need be. Gulaba Masand, too on
hearing of the Guru's presence in the garden came to pay his respects
and brought food for the Guru and his attendants. A short while after
the Guru was removed to a room in the upper storey of the Masand's
house. No sooner this was done the Imperial army surrounded the village.
Before, however, they could institute any search for him the Guru
dressed himself in blue and in this guise succeeded in making his escape
through the kind offices of Ghani Khan and Nabi Khan.
two days' distance from Machhiwara when the danger of pursuit by the
Imperial soldiery was over Ghani Khan and Nabi Khan were sent back to
their homes rewarded with Hukumnamas ordering all disciples to recognize
their faithful service. When he arrived at the village of Alamgir, by
slow marches, a brother of the famous Bhai Mani Singh offered a
beautiful horse which the Guru accepted. Resuming the journey on horse
back he met Rai Kalla, a Muslim Chieftain. This man was a Rajput
convert. The Guru's story drew tears from his eyes and so strong was his
emotion that he would not permit him to proceed further unless he
honoured his abode and tasted his food. The invitation was accepted.
