
48. Traveling incognito
The non
challenge of the Moghuls
suggested the idea of escape to the Pyaras Dharm Singh and Daya Singh and
Bhai Man Singh. They prevailed upon the Guru to leave Bhai Sangat Singh,
Kehr Singh, Santokh Singh, Dewa Singh, Ram Singh, Jeewan Singh and Katha
Singh in charge of the fortress and suggested that he should himself escape
attended by them. At the dead of night when all was quiet outside the
redoubt the Guru and his three attendants escaped eluding the vigilance of
the guard. The night was pitch-dark.
Except the stentorian voice of the sentinels not a sound was audible. The
party had not gone far off when the advance guard catching the sound of
footsteps and suspecting that it must be the fugitives from the redoubt
sounded their horns. The whole camp was disturbed. Men rushed to and fro.
Friemls killed friends and in the confusion thus caused the Guru and his
attendants were separated. At dawn he reached the outskirts of village Kheri. Alfu and Gamu, Gujjars, who
were grazing their cattle in the field recognised him and retarded his
progress. When even the gift of a few pieces of gold failed to secure their
good-will the Guru put them to the sword. In the vicinity of Bahlolpur the
Sun rose. Espying a dense cluster of trees the Guru laid himself down under
their shade. No water was within sight. He quenched his thirst with the
juice of the leaves of the ' Aq ' plant, anti partly on account of the
intoxicating influence of this juice and chiefly on account of intense
fatigue he fell in a swoon. At nightfall on regaining
consciousness he endeavoured to resume his journey; but his strength failed.
He had made up the distance from Chamkaur bare-footed. The rough and thorny
paths had lacerated his limbs. He had not proceeded far off when his legs
refused to work. Lying on the grass, when blood was flowing profusely from
his limbs, when hunger and thirst were tormenting him he invoked the spirits
above to go and convey to the Divine Preceptor this tidings of him, his
disciple. "Dear friend", says he in the
hymn, " where Thou art not, there soft beds are to me like disease;
residence in mansions like living among serpents ; wine bottles like the
cross ; wine cups like the sword ; all this like death from a Friend's turf
is better, far better ! Cursed be residence in palaces!" In this manner he
passed the night singing the glory of the Lord of Hosts and remembering Him
in words expressing the greatest gratitude. A few hours before dawn,
refreshed by the night's breeze and feeling some strength he took the
direction of Malwa. At daybreak he sank again, from sheer exhaustion, at a
garden, in the suburbs of Machhiwara. As the Providence would have it
the Pyaras Dharm Singh, Daya Singh and Bhai Man Singh arrived at the same
garden in their search for the Guru. Learning from some one working in the
garden, that a person dressed like them was lying in another part of the
garden they proceeded thither. To their intense joy they recognised their
Guru in the man that lay prostrate before them. Slowly and noiselessly they
approached him and kissed his feet. The Guru laid his hand on his sword
believing it must be the touch of enemies; but when his eyes opened and he
saw his beloved followers, kneeling before him, the momentary rigidity of
his countenance gave place to a radiant smile. They drew out thorns from his
feet and clothes, and Man Singh, placing him on his back, took him to a well
close by and there attended to his bath.
