
23. Testing the Sikhs
As is the case nowadays, in the
Guru's time, too, there were lots of black sheep in the fold. The continued
stay of the Guru at Anandpur had attracted a large number of disciples from
places near and remote. The more wealthy of the disciples established
langars (free kitchens) from where the poor and the needy could get food.
This free distribution of food was considered an act of merit and those who
performed it won popular esteem. Some of the Guru's agents and
courtiers who traded in the name of religion and whose business was to deal
with the visitors in their respective countries considered it incumbent on
them to start langars of their own. But most of what they did was mere show.
One night the Guru, dressed as a Sadhu, went round the town and asked for
food from all the langars. Nobody recognised him. In most places his request
for food was refused. Some gave him stale and dried crumbs of bread on the
plea that the fresh food had been used up. Only from the Langars of Diwan
Nand Chand, Bhais Nand Lal, Ram Kaur and Sahib Chand fresh and sufficient
food was obtained. The following day the Guru related the experience of the
night and exhibited the crumbs of bread. This public exposure of men who
pretended virtue had a salutary effect on the morals of the Sikhs.
