19. Testing the sikhs
To test the fidelity and
patience of the Sikhs the Guru once ordered that no Sikh should leave
Anandpur without his permission. Guards were stationed at all gates to
prevent egress. Many of those who were loud in their professions of love for
the Guru were the first to grow impatient for seeing the world outside.
Before a week passed they adopted curious plans for getting out. One device
was particularly very ingenious. A person was made to feign
death. He was placed on a bier and taken to the cremation ground accompanied
by a regular crowd who all the while kept on singing funeral songs. When the
procession passed out of the town, the Guru who had somehow divined the
secret ordered the party to halt. The body was placed on a
funeral pyre and when preparations were being made to cremate it the man who
had hitherto lain motionless threw of funeral attire and fled to the jungle
to the confusion of the. men who had resorted to this fraudulent practice
and to the astonishment and laughter of the beholders. The incident greatly
embarrassed the delinquents and confirmed the impression that the Guru was a
knower of hearts and that it was impossible to deceive him.