
15. Return to Anandpur Sahib
The Guru remained about three years at Paunta
Sahib and his fame attracted poets, singers and learned people to his court.
During this period he composed Jap Sahib, Swayas and Akal Ustat. He ordered
his army to return to Anandpur and he came back via Sadhaura and th en
encamped at Laharpurfor a few days. Raja of Nahan sent his envoy to convey
his desire to meet the Guru but he never did. Leaving Nahan the Guru entered
Ramgarh state and stayed at Tabra for more than a week. He then went to
Raipur in response to the invitation of the Rani of that place. She showed
him the greatest hospitality and presented him a beautiful horse with costly
trappings, and a purse of Rupees as an offering. He gave her son a sword and
shield. After this he continued his journey to Anandpur and passing through
Toda, Nada, Dhakoli, Kotla, Ghanaula, Bunga, he reached Kiratpur. From there
he reached Anandpur in October, 1687. The eldest son, Ajit Singh was born on
the fourth day of bright half of Magh, Sambat 1743 (1687 A.
