34. Naanak Jheera (G
Nanak Jhira Sahib, Bidar)
Guru accompanied by his companion Mardana stayed in the outskirts of the
Bidar town where 'Nanak Jhira' Gurdwara is now located. Nearby were huts of
Muslim fakirs, who took keen interest in the sermons and teachings of the
great Guru. The news soon spread throughout Bidar and its surrounding areas
about the holy Saint of the North and large number of people started coming
to him to have his "Darshan" and seek his blessings.
used to be acute shortage of drinking water in Bidar. All efforts of the
people to dig wells were of no avail. Even when wells produced water the
water was found to be unfit for drinking. The Guru was greatly moved by the
miserable condition of the people. With divine name on his lips and the
mercy in his heart he touched the hillside with his toe and removed some
rubble from the place. To the utter surprise of all, a fountain of sweet,
cool water gushed out of the hillside. The place soon came to be known as