Ji went to Junagarh with King Bharthri who had become a Jogi. He arrived at
this place through Spiritual Power with King Bharthari. In the guru Granth
sahib it is said, Prabh ke Simran Ridh Sidh Nav Nidh (a person who
meditates on god's name will get spiritual powers and Nine treasures
(Including worldly and spiritual treasures) and one cannot suspect on
Meditation of Guru Nanak Sahib. Now if we talk about his mission it was to
bring people on right way.
is easy to bring devoted people on way, but few people who do not believe in
the god chooses another path. The same is in case with guru nanak sahib. He
never used miraculous powers without any reason and yes if required he never
hesitated in using it.
turned King Bharthari was in Takhtupura(Moga) in Malwa Punjab. He was told
that he had to marry princess of Junagarh, and for that he had only a day
left and if King failed to reach there, she will die. After that he will
have to come in life again to get married to her. Her Transmigration will
only cut after marrying with him.
Bharthari requested Sidhs to help him reaching there, But sidhs refused
because they were not able to do so in such a short time. Then on Raja's
request Guru Nanak Dev took him to Junagarh. After marriage of Bharthari
Guru Nanak Sahib brought him back.
Gurdwara Sahib is present in Takhtupura which commemorates the incident.
There is place of Bharthari too there. The Oldest Manuscript called Bhai
Bala Janamsakhi also mentioned the said incident in detail.
Nanak Sahib visited this place secondly during his south travels. He visited
’’Girnar Parbat’’ is a very sacred hill for the Jains. A large number of
Jain sadhus and munis had undertaken penance on this hill long ago and have
attained ’’Moksha’’ or ’’Nirvan.’’ The Jain Tirthankara ’’Neminath’’ is
supposed to have attained his Nirvana on this hill.
hill has a very large number of beautiful Jain temples. It is a very
important pilgrimage spot for the Jains. Guru Ji preached to jain the way of
life as dhoondiyas sadhus have unhygenic way of life.Then he proceeded to ,
Baroda and finally reached where there was a famous Jain temple.
Sadhus would not take bath for many days thinking bathing killed some life
in the water. Here he had discussion with a Jain Sadhu named Ambhi. He
explained to the Sadhu that running away from water would not do any
religious good but the worship of the Almighty was the only answer.
Narsi Bhagat Data ganjbakash Peer brought his chelas to meet guru ji and
enjoyed essence of gurbani.
is shrine commemorates Guru Nanak sahib's visit called Gurdwara Charan Kamal