Reetha Sahib
were forests around Gorakhmata. About forty miles from there, the Guru met
another group of Yogis. He sat under a soapnut tree and told them that by
discarding family life and living in the forests away from worldly life,
could not bring salvation. The inner change for attainment of peace and
everlasting joy and happiness, could be obtained anywhere by contemplating
on God's name. The Yogis asked,"Master, the fire of desire is not quenched
even by endless subjection of the body to discipline. Pray tell us a way to
quench it." The Guru replied,
the feeling of egoism Destroy the sense of duality and attain oneness with
Lord, The path is hard for ignorant and egoistic; But those who take shelter
in the Word and absorbed in it, And he who realizes that He is both within
and without, His fire of desire is destroyed by the Grace of the Guru, says
(Ramkali Mohalla 1, Sidh Gosht-46,
Page – 943)
shrewd mind of the Yogis wanted to test the Guru still further. Knowing that
the Guru did not have anything to offer, they asked him to give them
something to eat. The Guru was sitting under the soapnut tree and soapnuts
are always bitter. He gave them soapnuts to eat.
the utter surprise of the Yogis, the soapnuts were very sweet. By the Grace
of God, the soapnuts of half-side of the tree where the Guru was sitting,
became sweet and the other half of the same tree had bitter soapnuts. The
same is true even to-day. That place is called Reetha Sahib and there is a
Gurdwara in the memory of the Guru.