91. Sakhi Guru Nanak and Bebe Nanaki ji's Roti
Whenever Bibi Nanaki would remember her brother, he would come meet her right
away. Panth Prakash
Nanaki, the esteemed sister of Sri Guru Nanak Sahib, never sent telegrams
and letters to her brother. Her loving remembrance was enough for instant
response by the most adorable and lovable Sri Guru Nanak Sahib. True prem,
True love cuts across all the barriers and limitations of time and space.
The Lord, the Guru thirsts and hungers badly for one commodity only and that
is this rare and unique Prema.
Bhao Bhagat Da Bhookha" Bhai Gurdas Ji
Guru Nanak Dev ji was going away on one of the Udaasii's, Bebe Nanaki asked
Guru Nanak how will I live without seeing my dear brother? Guru Nanak Dev Ji
replied, 'O dear sister, whenever you shall think of me I shall come to
visit you'.
When Bebe Nanaki ji was making parshade's (roti's) one night, "Parshada full
gaya" (sorry don't know how to say it in English!!) and she remembered how
Guru Nanak ji loved " fulle hoye parshade"… she just thought how I wish my
brother would come to eat this rotis I am making. Right at that very moment
Guru Nanak Sahib ji walked in and said I'm so hungry.
Ji graced her with his presence and had the roti's she had made with so much
pyaar. N owadays we communicate to people through mobile phones and by text
messaging one another. It is expected that if you send a text message to a
good friend, that he or she will reply to your text message. Now if we text
messaged Vaheguru, then we would expect Vaheguru, who is our friend, our
companion or beloved, to text back.
is a form of text messaging on a spiritual level. If we text message
Vaheguru, then Vaheguru will definitely text message us back. However, our
message can only be received to the person we are sending it to, if we have
reception. If our phone doesn't have any reception, then despite how many
text messages we send, the recipient will not receive any of the messages we
send. Similarly if we have no 'pyaar', love, for Vaheguru Ji, then our
Simran will not be counted for and we will not be able to experience the
"Saach K'ho Sun Leho Sabhai, Jin Prem Kiyo Tin Hee Prabh Paayo….Guru Gobind
Singh Sahib Ji
everyone I speak the truth, only those who have love will
experience Waheguru, God."