101. Sakhi Poor man's mouth is the Guru's
HarGobind ji once visited Kashmir. There lived his faithful follower Sewa
Das who was always longing to serve the Guru. Sewa Das lived in the town of
Srinagar ( capital of Kashmir) where the Guru planned to go. On the way,
however, another faithful follower, Kattu Shah, met the Guru and requested
him to stay with him in his cottage for some days.
Guru promised to stay with Kattu Shah on his way back. He advised Kattu Shah
to sing God's praises and serve the needy. Kattu Shah was very faithful and
did as Guru had adviced.
day a group of pilgrims, on their way to see the Guru, broke their journey
at Kattu's cottage. Kattu served them water and did lot of Sewa. He did all
that he could for the Sangat. Kattu himself was very hungry and noticed a
honeypot which the pilgrims were carrying for the Guru and requested them to
show him the honey. When the pilgrims showed it to him he asked if he could
have a little on his finger to taste, but the pilgrims refused, saying, "We
cannot offer you any honey because it is meant for the Guru only and we
cannot offer your leavings to the Guru."
day the pilgrims reached the Guru's camp and placed the offering before him.
The Guru looked at the honeypot but declined to accept, saying, "I have
asked for the same on the way but you refused." This shocked the Sikhs who
begged for pardon and requested Guru ji to please enlighten them with the
knowledge of when did they declined to hand over the honey to Guru ji
whereupon he said, "Listen my friends, the idea of the offerings is that
those who can spare should help others in need. The offerings you bring to
me are for the common good. God wants us to help and share with the needy.
With the help of your offerings, Guru Arjan (5th Guru) started a home for
lepers at Tarn Taran (Punjab ).
you find a needy person, place your offerings there and understand that in
this way they will reach the Guru. The offerings that do not reach the needy
are useless. Take this honeypot away, this has become unfit for Human
consumption as a result of refusing to help the needy in whom is the spirit
of the Guru. Go to my kitchen, prepare fresh honey and take it to Kattu Shah
at once." All the Sikhs bowed before the Guru and understood the right way
of making offerings.
True Guru prevails among His GurSikhs; they pick out and expel the
Guru Raam Daas Ji, Shri Guru Granth Sahib ji, Raag Gauree, Ang. 312
alone is the Guru, and he alone is a Sikh, O Siblings of Destiny, whose
light merges in the Light. ||1|| Raag Sorath,
Shri Guru Granth Sahib ji, Ang. 602