30. Bibi Deep Kaur
contingent of Turkish soldiers is on active patrol. The area rulers have
specifically assigned this contingent to keep a watch over the Sikh jatha
that had gathered in Majha and would surely proceed to Anandpur Sahib for
participating Dashmesh father's (Guru Gobind Singh) Dharam Yudh. Additional
responsibilities assigned to this contingent included, instilling fear among
people who either express sympathy with the Sikh jatha or welcome it or
serve it any way. For this reason, the Turkish contingent always moved ahead
of the Sikh Jatha.
miles from the road leading to Anandpur Sahib in Hoshiarpur District, is a
village, named Talban. Bibi Deep Kaur, the subject of our story, was
resident of this village. There was only one Sikh house in this village --
Bibi Deep Kaur's residence. Today her husband wasn't home. He had already
left for participating in Dashmesh father's Dharam Yudh. When Bibi heard of
Jatha's arrival. She was filled with emotions of self-service. She explained
her emotions and desire to other women in her neighborhood. But the Turkish
soldiers had successfully frightened the residence of this village. Thus no
one was willing to accompany her. "Let
them not proceed, if someone doesn't want to" Deep Kaur told herself. For
how could one stay behind if they have even the slightest love for the Guru
in their heart. Holding onto the quest of love and a glimpse of the Sikh
Jatha, Deep Kaur proceeded alone and awaited the arrival of Sant-Sipahis.
Suddenly dust arose from afar. Her face brightened with joy. Her
quest for Jatha's sight grew stronger. Now she started walking on the road
toward the rising dust storm. Soon she realized that this was not the Jatha
of Sant- Sipahis. Rather it was the contingent of evil Turkish soldiers.
Surprised, she quickly moved off the road and tried to hide herself by
sitting next to a tree. As the Turkish contingent got closer, it's commander
caught sight of Deep Kaur. Seeing the youthful beauty, he lost all
self-control. He
commandingly asked. "Who are you?" "Whoever I am. How does it matter to
you?" She answered fearlessly. Commander's attraction grew stronger with her
challenge. He remarked softly, "By Shehansha's (ruler's) orders, I have been
deputed to keep a watch on Sikhs in this area. Since the Sikh Jatha is
heading this way, I need to ascertain whether you are a Sikh." "If I were to
be a Sikh, then?" "Then we will have to arrest and sent you to Lahore." Deep
Kaur heard his response. But, being a Sikh how could she lie. Fearlessly,
she announced, "I am Sikh." The Turk Commander was astonished by her
fearlessness. But as captive of her beauty, by now, he was aroused beyond
any self-control. He spoke softly and said, "Beautiful, I am responsible for
capturing Sikhs. You are a Sikh. I should arrest you, but I cannot do that.
I cannot fulfil my responsibilities. For I have a heart that worships beauty
and it is your's now. I am your captive." Deep Kaur's face reddened with
anger. She lashed out saying, "You should be ashamed of yourself talking to
me like this." "What
is there to be ashamed of where hearts have met? I am your. Accept me and I
shall keep you as my Begum (wife)." He said. "I am a Sikh and married. If
you ever uttered anything like this again I will snatch your tongue." Deep
Kaur responded. By now she was shaking with anger. "What kind of a beauty it
would be that doesn't exhibit enticing or alluring behavior. I am impressed
by your behavior. Now don't delay anymore and let's go. What are you going
to get from these wild Sikhs." Saying this the commander dismounted from his
horse and moved towards Deep Kaur while his contingent waited on the
opposite side of the road. As he dismounted, Deep Kaur stood up. Seeing him
approach her, she challengingly said "Beware, if you touch my body I will
not spare you."
under arousal, the commander ignored her warning and instead proceeded to
hug her. Deep Kaur pulled back with lightening speed. By now she had the
small kirpan in her hand. As the commander approached, struck him in his
stomach with the kirpan. A blood spring burst opened. With painful cries, he
simply dropped to the ground. By
now Deshmesh's daughter had jumped into the war. As the wounded Commander
sat on the ground, she viciously attacked him once again, sending his evil
soul to burn in hell. Before, the Turkish soldiers could advance, she moved
swiftly to take control of the commander's sword and was well-prepared for
self-defense. Seeing their dying commander, the soldiers advanced shaking in
anger and simultaneously attacked her.
the Deshmesh's daughter wasn't scared being out-numbered. Like a lioness,
she stood fast for the challenge. She used the sword like a man and soon two
soldiers fell to the ground while several others were severely wounded. Deep
Kaur too sustained deep wounds on her face and neck. Although her wounds
were profusely bleeding, she kept her courage and continued fighting like a
man. Today,
Turkish soldiers were challenged by a woman. Far on the road, the sound of
horses could be heard once again. This time the Sant-Sipahi's Jatha was
approaching. As the Turkish soldiers saw the Sikh Jatha, they got scared,
immediately mounted their horses and ran for their lives. The bodies of the
Commander and five of his associates were left behind, lying cold on the
ground. The
sight of approaching Sikh brothers filled Deep Kaur filled with joy. She
quickly tried to move towards the road but couldn't. She had lost too much
blood and thus was unable to walk. She simply fell unconscious to the
ground. Sikh Jatha saw unconscious Deep Kaur and 6 dead bodies of Turkish
soldier, upon reaching the location. It did not take them long to comprehend
the situation. Immediately,
they spread a bed for Dashmesh's daughter, dressed her wounds and awaken her
with medication. Then carrying her along, the Jatha proceeded to Anandpur
Sahib for participating in the Dashmesh father's Dharam Yudh. Fully aware of
the situation, our Dashmesh father Guru Gobind Singh Ji was strolling
outside his court awaiting the arrival of this Jatha. Seeing them arrive, he
joyfully advanced to receive them and asked "Where is my daughter?"
members were confused. They did not understand the meaning of this question,
since there were many Sikh women among the Jatha. Who did Guru Sahib honor
with daughter's address? They could not understand. In the meantime, Guru
Sahib quickly moved towards the palki (palanquin) carrying the wounded Deep
Kaur. Raising the palki curtain, he hugged and kissed her forehead, saying
"This is my daughter Deep Kaur. Because of such daughter my Panth shall
remain in Chardi Kala."