Guru Amardas (1552—74)
Amardas carried on the mission of his predecessors with great sincerity and
devotion. He set before the Sikhs the ideal of Sewa and honest living. He
earned his own livelihood by personal effort According to Latif, a Muslim
historian: "He never ate anything from the Guru's storehouse, but supported
himself by small sums of money which he earned by trading in salt and oil in
the market"*
When he was asked why he did not eat what the Sikhs ate in the Free Kitchen,
he replied: "Whatever the Sikhs eat nourishes me too, for there is no
difference at all between us." At another time, he told the congregation
that just as a mother feels happy to see her children eat and relish
delicacies, in the same way the Guru feels happy when the Sikhs - his
children - dine together.