Women's Role
position of woman at the time was deplorable. She was looked down upon
because she was thought to be inferior to man and was regarded as merely a
temptress. She was confined to her home and was not allowed to participate
in any public work. Guru preached that man and women were equal before God.
He welcomed women to the Sangat,
offered them seats side by side and gave them religious rights that have so
far been denied to her.
Guru Angad scarcely worked alone. His wife and
partner, Mata Khivi, is a very important woman who contributed significantly
to Sikhism. Mata Kheevi played a major role in enlarging the women
participation in the leadership position in Guru’s court. Mata Khivi was
instrumental in creating and maintaining the institution of langar, whereby
all devotees of the Guru and all people in general, were invited to come and
eat together. This
practice started initially with Mata Khivi serving food to the members of the community and the visitors who
would come to see Guru Angad and it came to symbolize the Guru’s teachings;
emphasizing the humanity in every single person and abolishing any innate
discriminations. She did her job in a skillful and selfless manner,
characteristic of her, and evoked spontaneous respect among the people. Her
role in that capacity was unique and revolutionary because women were
usually not seen in the forefront of the society.
also made sure that the food being fed was nutritious and wholesome because
many who came to see Guru were needy and destitute. Mata Kheevi would embrace them all and offer love and food. She
was, to use the simile of the contemporary ministrel Balwand, like a shady
tree to the Guru’s disciples and afforded them effectual shade. Her role and
praise is recorded in the Guru Granth Sahib.
this day, after every service, visitors to a Sikh gurudwara witness a congregation who join and eat Langar together.
Langar also emphasized that service to fellow man was an important tenet of
the Sikh way of life, as it is customary for members of the congregation to
serve one another.